
  • Open Sesame;Sesame Opens the Door
  1. 挥动一下你的身份识别卡,就能够“芝麻开门”。现在只要在智能手机上安装一款名叫“ShareKey”的应用程序,你也可以那样做。

    Just wave your ID , and " open sesame . " Now you can do that with some smartphones , using an app called ShareKey .

  2. 1999年,马云和17位朋友挤在他的公寓内创立了阿里巴巴,他们取这个名字是希望小企业通过“芝麻开门!”这个咒语打开全球贸易之门,埃里斯曼在影片中叙述道。

    In 1999 , Ma and 17 friends crowded into his apartment and built Alibaba.com , a name they hoped would draw small businesses " to say ' Open Sesame ! " to global trade , " Erisman narrates in the film .

  3. 他们之所以用这个名字,因为它容易拼写,而且世界各地的人们都会联想到‘芝麻开门’,也就是《一千零一夜》(OneThousandandOneNights)中阿里巴巴用来打开宝藏大门的咒语。

    They called the company Alibaba because it is easy to spell , and people everywhere associate that with ' Open , Sesame ,' the command Ali Baba used to open doors to hidden treasures in ' One Thousand and One Nights .

  4. 在1992年Leech就这样总结:语料库是一种‘芝麻开门’它起到一种抛砖引玉的作用,将导致语言的新思维方式。

    Leech ( 1992 ) stated : linguistic corpus would play a pioneer role in linguistic research and bring about a new thinking-style in language .

  5. 他们之所以用这个名字,因为它“容易拼写,而且世界各地的人们都会联想到‘芝麻开门’,也就是《一千零一夜》(OneThousandandOneNights)中阿里巴巴用来打开宝藏大门的咒语”。

    They called the company Alibaba because it is " easy to spell , and people everywhere associate that with ' Open , Sesame , " the command Ali Baba used to open doors to hidden treasures in ' One Thousand and One Nights . " "

  6. 芝麻开门:全球超额流动性涌入股市

    Open Sesame : Global Excess Fluidity Rushes into Stock Market

  7. 我们希望互联网就如同一个宝库,可以让小企业芝麻开门。

    We believe Internet is a treasure island which opens sesame for small business .

  8. 发现芝麻开门打开四十大盗洞穴的伐木工人(《天方夜谭》)。

    The woodcutter who discovered that " open sesame " opens the cave of the Forty Thieves ( Arabian Nights ' Entertainments ) .

  9. 阿里巴巴的英文拼写非常简单,而且世界各地的人会由此联想到“芝麻开门”——在中东民间故事集《一千零一夜》中“阿里巴巴”是为了藏宝物而用来叫开盗穴大门的咒语。

    Alibaba is easy to spell and people everywhere associate that with " Open , Sesame , " the command that Ali Baba used to open doors to hidden treasures in One Thousand and One Nights , the book of Middle Eastern folktales .