
zī fāng
  • those representing capital;capital;management
资方 [zī fāng]
  • [those representing capital] 资本家方面;出资本的人

资方[zī fāng]
  1. 获得最大限度的利润是资方的目标,而劳方却希望增加收入、改善工作条件和福利待遇。

    The gain that scores utmost is the target of those representing capital , and labor hopes to increase income , improvement however working requirement and welfare pay .

  2. 企业会计部门办理劳动保险基金会计人员的工资、办公费用、传票、帐簿、报表及其他经常开支,均由企业行政方面或资方负担。

    Overhead of etc of fare of the salary of personnel of treasurer of fund of conduction labour insurance of company treasurer department , office , subpoena , account book , forms for reporting statistics , all by business administration respect or burden of those representing capital .

  3. 资方没有采取任何措施来解决罢工问题。

    The management have made no move to settle the strike .

  4. 工会与资方在工作时间上发生纠纷。

    The union is in dispute with management over working hours .

  5. 工人认为这个协议是工会把他们出卖给了资方。

    The workers see the deal as a union sell-out to management .

  6. 我们要求资方的是发表战斗宣言。

    What we want from the management is fighting talk .

  7. 资方与工会之间发生了正面冲突。

    There was a head-on confrontation between management and unions .

  8. 工会向资方提交了一份写明各项要求的清单。

    The union presented a shopping list of demands to the management .

  9. 已成立一个委员会在资方与工会之间进行仲裁。

    A committee was created to arbitrate between management and the unions .

  10. 今天资方准备和工会成员摊牌。

    Management are facing a showdown with union members today .

  11. 资方不得以年龄为由歧视职工。

    It is not permissible for employers to discriminate on grounds of age .

  12. 资方和工会已就新的工作条件达成协议。

    The management and unions have reached a settlement over new working conditions .

  13. 工人私下对资方还是有怨言。

    Workers continued to mutter about the management .

  14. 资方应与工会在一起开个会。

    Management should get together with the union .

  15. 妥协也许能打破工会和资方之间的僵局。

    A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and the management .

  16. 为了争取更高的薪酬,工会几乎每年都要与资方进行谈判。

    Unions bargain with employers for better rates of pay almost every year .

  17. 他能说服资方采纳他的计划。

    He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans .

  18. 资方与工会领导人之间已达成了协议。

    The management and the union leaders have struck a bargain .

  19. 劳方暗示愿意同资方恢复已经中断的对话。

    Labour hinted it would like to resume the broken dialogue with management .

  20. 资方决定节省开支,裁减劳动力中的冗员,这样可以减少工资支出。

    The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce , thus reducing the wages bill .

  21. 资方已提出一项合理的工资方案供考虑,现在就看工会来决定是否接受它。

    The management has put a reasonable wage offer on the table , so it 's up to the unions to decide whether to accept it .

  22. 资方与工人之间的冲突使得工厂生产效率很低

    Conflict between management and workers makes for inefficiency in the workplace .

  23. 石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)成员国的石油部长们共同掌控着世界三分之一石油供给的龙头开关,他们代表资方。

    Opec ministers , together handling the taps for a third of the world 's oil supply , represent the capitalists .

  24. NBA标准运动员合同是集体谈判协议的重要组成部分,合同对劳方和资方各自权利的行使及义务的履行都作出了明确规定。

    The Uniform Player Contract of National Basketball Association is the important part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement . The contract gives explicit provisions between the management and the labor .

  25. 在堪萨斯州一家生产新款雪佛兰(Chevrolet)Malibu车的工厂中,工会也警告资方他们可能会罢工。

    A union local at a Kansas plant that builds the newly redesigned Chevrolet Malibu has warned the auto maker it may strike .

  26. “我希望球员工会没有这样做,”斯特恩上周一在接受《体育中心》(SportsCenter)采访时如是说。他所指的,是球员们解散工会,对资方提起反垄断诉讼的决定。

    " I wish the union hadn 't done this ," Stern told SportsCenter last Monday , regarding the players'decision to disband their union to file anti-trust lawsuits .

  27. 这项协议被视为工会背叛己方,投向资方。

    The deal was seen as a union sell-out to management .

  28. 资方将和工会领导举行非正式谈判。

    The management will be holding informal talks with union officials .

  29. 工会和资方的谈判已经破裂。

    The negotiations between the Union and management have broken down .

  30. 工会与资方谈判要求增加工资。

    The trade union bargain with the management for a raise .