
  • 网络Globalization of resources;e-sourcing;Worldwide sourcing
  1. 此外提出了一种基于多Agent系统的资源全球化模式,通过提供网络应用服务的方式实现本地制造资源的广域和远程使用,这种模式还能够支持分散的制造资源集成以及企业应用集成。

    A method of resources globalization based on multi-agent system is presented . Employing network services , it can integrate the decentralize manufacture resources and application of enterprises .

  2. 论资源全球化背景下我国对世界资源研究的问题与对策

    Challenges to China on World Resources Research within the Framework of Globalization

  3. 然而对于我国来说,参与资源全球化,进行资源安全国际合作既意味着实现发展与繁荣的机遇,同时也强烈地冲击着国家资源安全。

    However , the resource globalization is not only an opportunity but also a challenge to resource security in our country .

  4. 在资源全球化背景下,越来越多的企业开始通过进入海外市场以实现资源的最优配置和企业利益的最大化。

    More and more companies began to enter the overseas market in order to achieve optimal allocation of resources and maximization of corporate interests .

  5. 因此,在全球化的进程中我们必须清醒地认识到资源全球化对国家资源安全的消极影响,完善相应的法律规制措施保障资源安全国际合作的顺利进行。

    So , we should have a good sense of the resource globalization 's negative influence and perfect the related legislations to ensure the international cooperation of resource security .

  6. 经济全球化带动了矿产资源全球化,同时也加剧了国际社会对矿产资源的争夺,我国也积极对海外矿产资源进行投资开发。

    Economic globalization drives the globalization of mineral resources , at the same time the race ; our country also joined activities to the investment and utilization of mineral resources .

  7. 矿产资源全球化配置和国内矿产资源保障程度的不断降低,使得我国资源型企业跨国经营显得日益紧迫。

    With the global exploration of mineral resource and the decline of supply security for internal mineral resources , it is urgent for our resource-based enterprises to carry out transnational operation .

  8. 教育信息化是一个追求信息化教育的过程,具有教材多媒化、资源全球化、教学个性化、学习自主化、任务合作化、环境虚拟化、管理自动化等特征。

    Educational informatization is considered a procure pursued in informational education . It has multi - media teaching material , worldwide resource , personalized teaching , independent study , cooperation tasks , fictitious environments and automatization managements .

  9. 最近几年来,中国企业的对外直接投资更是发展迅速。与此同时,经济全球化带来的资源全球化也加剧了国际社会对矿产资源的争夺。

    In recent years , the transnational merger of Chinese enterprises is fast more growing . Meanwhile , the resource globalization that the economic globalization brought aggravated the contention of the mineral resources of international community too .

  10. 教育信息化凭借其教材多媒体化、资源全球化、教学个性化、学习自主化、管理自动化、活动合作化、环境虚拟化等特点受到了教育界和社会各界的关注。

    With its characters of multimedia teaching materials , global resources , personalized teaching , independent learning , automated management , cooperative activities and virtual environment , application of IT in education has attract much attention from educational world and other sectors of the society .

  11. 分析3种主要硫酸生产原料(硫铁矿、硫磺和冶炼烟气)的属性和特点以及我国硫酸工业目前的原料格局,论述矿产资源全球化配置的必然趋势。

    Resource attribute and characteristics of tree main raw materials , i. e. pyrite , sulphur and metallurgical off-gas , for sulphuric acid production and the present raw material pattern of China 's sulphuric acid industry are analyzed and inevitable trend of global allocation of mineral resource is discussed .

  12. 随着因特网在世界范围的迅速发展及中国加入(WTO)世界贸易组织,图书馆面临着新的挑战和机遇,因特网的迅猛发展使信息资源的全球化正在变成现实。

    Whit the rapid development of Internet and China 's accession to WTO , libraries in China are faced with new chances as well as challenges . It is possible that information resources globalize because the Internet is rapidly developing .

  13. 今天,企业面临着更加复杂多变的经济全球化环境,资源在全球化范围内进行调配。

    Today , enterprises are facing with more complex economic globalization environment , resources are allocated in global range .

  14. 教育服务的全球化贸易以及教育资源的全球化争夺是推动教育全球化的两个重要支柱。

    The global trade of education service and global contention of education resource are the two important elements of globalization of education .

  15. 随着经济全球化、资源利用全球化以及生态环境问题全球化,水资源作为一种战略资源,其可持续利用的问题显得日益突出。

    With the globalization of economy , the globalization of resources and the globalization of ecological environment , the sustainable utilization of water resources becomes more and more important .

  16. 全球化导致企业的组织形式和面临的环境发生了巨大的变革,包括市场的全球化、组织的全球化、生产的全球化、技术的全球化、资源的全球化以及所面临的文化的全球化。

    The globalization induces tremendous transformation in the circumstances and organizational forms of enterprises such as the globalization of markets , organizations , production , technology , resources and culture which enterprises encounter .

  17. 全球经济一体化带来了生产资源配置全球化,国外工程机械巨头纷纷在国内设厂,抢滩中国市场,对国内企业形成挤压之势。

    Global economic integration has brought the globalization of production resources . Foreign construction machinery giants have set up factories in China , seizing the Chinese market , and thus crowding out of domestic enterprises .

  18. 网络经济是指由于计算机互联网络在经济领域中的普遍应用,使得经济信息成本得以急剧下降,从而导致信息替代资本在经济中的主导地位,并最终成为核心经济资源的全球化经济形态。

    Net-Economy is a kind of economic form which the information replaces the dominant status of the capital and becomes the core economic resource in the world because of the wide application of con ~ puter network .

  19. 而当今跨国公司自身海外经营层次的不断提高、跨国战略的实施和新跨国经营模式下的对关键资源来源全球化的需求和跨国公司全球学习则构成了跨国公司朝这个趋势发展的内在驱动力量。

    In the other side , the elevation of oneself transnational operation level nowadays , implementing " transnational strategy ", the globalization of the source of gaining resource under the new business model and global learning of TNCs are ulterior driving-strength for this trend .

  20. 一方面,网络经济发展引致的社会信息化、金融资源配置全球化、客户需求个性化、金融行业同质化、金融机构非中介化使金融的运行环境发生了根本性的变革;

    On the one hand , the socialization of information , globalization of financial resource distribution , individuation of customer 's demand , homogeneity of financial industry , non-intermediation of financial institutes brought by the development of Network Economy deeply changed the circumstance of finance .

  21. 随着矿产资源供求关系全球化布局的发展和我国即将加入WTO,地勘系统实施矿业开发“走出去”战略已是势在必行。

    With the globalization of supply and demand of mineral resources and China joining WTO , it is imperative to carry out " going abroad " the strategy of mining industry in geological prospecting system .

  22. 人力资源是经济全球化进程中各国经济发展的战略资源,是第一资源。

    As the first key resources , human resources play a strategic role in the process of economic globalization .

  23. 经济发展和遗产保育都要求更多的土地和资源,在全球化和现代化大潮冲击之下的中国文化遗产是否能够被保留?

    As economic development and heritage preservation both demand land and other resources , can heritage sites survive in the wave of modernization and globalization in China ?

  24. 随着体育产业在世界范围内的蓬勃发展,日渐呈现出包括要素、产品、服务在内的资源流动配置全球化趋势。

    As the sports industry in the world development , gradually shows , including elements of products , services , the flow of resources allocation the trend of globalization .

  25. 表面上看来,由于把世界各国的生产和消费联系到了一起,并且在世界范围内配置资源,经济全球化正在一步一步地弱化、侵蚀传统的民族国家。

    From appearance , economic globalization is weakening and eroding the traditional nations as it integrates the production and consumption of all the countries in the world and allocating worldwide resources .

  26. 作为全球化时代的文化批判,哲学应当包含几个重要的维度:从文化的层面重新审视人类社会历史的演进机制、梳理人类现有的文化精神资源、培育全球化时代中国的新文化精神。

    As cultural criticism in a global context , philosophy should contain the following aspects : reviewing the evolution of social history of mankind from a cultural level , cleaning up the existing cultural resources of mankind and nurturing the spirit of China 's new culture in a global context .

  27. 加入WTO后,中国人力资源开发滞后与全球化竞争对人力资源高水平要求之间的矛盾将更加突出。

    After entering WTO , the contradiction between the delay of China HRD and the high-level need for HR by the global competition , will be much more prominent .

  28. 信息是生产的主导资源,世界经济全球化和劳动智能化。

    Information is the leading resource for production ; economy becomes globalized and labour needs intelligence .

  29. 人力资源是当今经济全球化竞争中最活跃而又最具决定性的因素。

    Human resources work as the most active and critical factor in the competence of today 's global economy .

  30. 在新世纪,我国企业的人力资源管理将面临全球化、新技术、成本控制、管理方法等多方面的挑战,人力资源管理也将随之呈现出职能的分化、管理的强化等新趋势。

    In the new century , our country ' industrial human resources will be faced the challenges of globalization , new technologies and management intensification .