
  • 网络asset category;asset class
  1. 基于ARTⅡ网络的煤炭资源资产分类研究

    The Study on the Classification of Coal Resources Assets Based on ART ⅱ Networks

  2. BrandAsset是从资产分类的角度上对品牌的静态描述;

    Brand Asset is the static description of brand from asset categorization angle ;

  3. 请注意,资产分类法(即分类)是基于RAM存储库的配置填充的。

    Note the asset taxonomies ( i.e.categorization ) are populated based on the configuration of the RAM repository .

  4. 煤炭资源资产分类方法比较研究

    The Comparison Study on the Method of Classification of Coal Resources Assets

  5. 基于信息系统架构的信息资产分类与关系识别

    Classification and Relationship Identification of Information Assets Based on Information System Architecture

  6. 煤炭资源资产分类的模糊数学方法

    The Fuzzy Method for the Classification of Coal Resources Assets

  7. 国营林场森林资源资产分类与评估

    The Classification and Evaluation of Forest Asset in the National Forestry Center

  8. 国企改革的根本出路:传统国有制之解构国有制多种实现形式下的国有资产分类管理探讨

    Classification-based Management of State-owned Assets Under Diversified State-ownership Patterns

  9. 自适应共振理论网络在煤炭资源资产分类中的应用研究

    Application of adaptive resonance theory networks in the classification of coal resources assets

  10. 知识资产分类与计量方法述评

    Comments on classification and measures methods of knowledge assets

  11. 但资产分类可以改变这个评价。

    But asset classifications can change their meaning .

  12. 认为不良资产分类与一般信贷资产分类具有区别,灰色关联分析可以运用于不良资产分类,并具有较高的准确性。

    The grey - relating analysis method can distinguish the sort of NPL accurately .

  13. 电信数据网的资产分类概述

    The Classification of Assets of Telecommunications Data Network

  14. 该工作产品是用于对资产分类的分类或种类方案。

    This work-product is a classification or category schema which is used to classify assets .

  15. GB/T14885-1994固定资产分类与代码

    Classification and codes for fixed assets

  16. 对资产分类是资产创建者最重要的任务之一。

    The classification of the Asset is one of the most important tasks for the Asset creator .

  17. 第5章在对政府资产分类的基础上探讨各类政府资产的计价问题,以及政府资产的折旧和减值问题。

    Chapter 5 discusses various governmental assets measurement and depreciation and impairment of governmental assets as well .

  18. 网络不仅能得到理想的输出结果,而且能准确地进行煤炭资源资产分类。

    Ideal output results have been achieved in training the networks to learn the patterns and in classifying the coal resources assets .

  19. 文章还对我国准则与IFRS9的趋同进行研究,为了尽量减少协调成本,必须充分了解金融资产分类调整对我国上市公司财务信息的潜在影响。

    In order to minimize the coordination costs , we must fully understand the potential impact brings to our listed companies for IFRS 9 .

  20. 债务契约对上市公司金融资产分类具有一定影响,但在各年呈现出不一致性,且与宏观经济形势有关。

    Debt covenants with certain financial assets are classified in listed companies , but in each year showing the inconsistency , and the macroeconomic situation .

  21. 信贷资产分类不应只根据其风险状况,而应结合其对应的收益率状况,根据收益对其风险的弥补程度来划分。

    This paper thinks that this classification for credit is wrong because it ignores the credit rate of return that relates to the credit risk .

  22. 在资产分类过程中,不得将“&逾两呆”简单地对应到五级分类。

    It is not allowed to simply grade overdue loans , doubtful loans and bad loans into the five-grade classification in the process of assets classification .

  23. 另外,本章在对资本市场资产分类的基础上,探讨了开放式基金流动性风险管理的资产出清策略。

    Furthermore , Based on the classification of open-end fund assets in our country , the part discusses assets clear-out strategy of open-end fund liquidity risk management .

  24. 保持良好的固定资产分类档案管理系统;按照财务总监制定的固定资产盘点时间表协助盘点。

    To maintain documentary files of fixed assets by categories ; to assist in inventory counts of fixed assets as per schedule established by the Financial Controller .

  25. 报酬契约对企业金融资产分类有一定影响,但是由于受到宏观经济形势的影响,在各年存在不一致性。

    Compensation contract has a certain impact on enterprise financial assets classification , but due to the impact of the macroeconomic situation , the inconsistencies in each year .

  26. 因此,本文以我国金融类上市公司为样本,通过实证研究方法,检验了金融资产分类改革对我国上市公司财务报表的潜在影响及其报告的会计信息的质量问题。

    Therefore , this paper takes the financial listed companies in China as samples to study the expected impact of the current classification reform , through empirical research methods .

  27. 您可以根据自身机构的类别层次将资产分类,用定义的标签或元数据来作好标记,或者使用全文索引来检索。

    You can categorize your assets according to your organization 's unique classification hierarchy , tag them with labels or metadata that you define , or find them by simply using a full-text search .

  28. 您能够想象出许多种不同的测试资产分类方法&例如,可以是通过产品或者项目进行分类,通过测试人员进行分类,或者是通过测试的类型进行分类。

    You can envision many different ways to group test assets & one may be by product or project , another may be by tester , another by the type of testing , for instance .

  29. 应针对这些问题科学地进行总结和研究,建议从4个方面予以改进:参照电力资产分类标准,建立科学的资产分类的框架;

    It is necessary to sum up and study on these problems scientifically . All related parties should improve them in the way as follows : referring to the standards of power asset classification to establish scientific classification frame for power asset ;

  30. 与此同时,也简要论述了金融工具分类对上市公司其他方面的影响。第五部分介绍有关金融资产分类的最新国际动态以及我国的应策。

    At the same time , it briefly discusses the classification of financial instruments , other aspects of the impact of listed companies . Part ⅴ describes the classification of financial instruments related to the latest international developments and should be our policy .