
zī hé ɡōnɡ sī
  • capital company
  1. 上市公司作为典型的资合公司,所有权与经营权高度分离,由此产生了代理成本问题。

    In listed company , ownership and management have a high degree of separation , which causes cost of agency problems .

  2. 资本多数决乃是公司法中确立的一项基本原则,也是资合公司区别于人合公司的一个重要标志。

    Capital majority rule is a basic principle of corporation law , and it is also a sign of discriminating the corporation of Capital joint and the corporation of Personal joint .

  3. 资合性要求维持公司资本,股东不得退股只能转让股权;

    The former means the shareholders can not withdraw from company but only transfer the shares .