
  1. 作为冶金三废资源的综合利用企业,公司随着BS集团新一轮发展规划,以及国家建设资源节约型和谐社会进程的推进,正面临一个难得的黄金发展得机遇期。

    With a new round of development planning of BS Group determination , and as well as nation-building resource-saving process of promoting a harmonious society , the company is now facing a rare golden opportunity as a comprehensive utilization of resources enterprise .

  2. 项目的实施,能实现钢铁联合企业资源综合利用,提高企业的经济效益,同时对实现能源的多样化、发展新型清洁能源、改善生态环境都具有重要意义,其经济效益和社会效益显著。

    The application of the process can use the by-product of the iron and steel enter - prises , which improves the net benefits and develops the new clean resources with distinct social and economic as - pects .