
  1. 资源性国有资产保护的法的价值取向

    On The Legal Value Pursuit Of State Assets ' Protection

  2. 一般而言,国有资产可以分为经营性国有资产、资源性国有资产和行政事业单位国有资产(非经营性国有资产)。

    In general , State-owned assets can be classified into the following categories : the profit , administrative ( non-profits ) and natural resource State-owned assets .

  3. 要遏制国有资产犯罪的发生,首先应完善国有资产监管制度,包括对经营性国有资产、行政事业性国有资产以及资源性国有资产管理制度的完善;

    To hold back crimes of infringing national property , first , perfect supervisory systems including improvement operating , administration and cause and natural resources national property of administrative systems ;

  4. 我国国有资产被划分为经营性国有资产、非经营性国有资产和资源性国有资产三大类,其中行政事业性国有资产一般被认为是非经营性国有资产。

    State-owned assets fall into three classes : enterprise-operating assets , administrative assets and assets of natural resources , among which the administrative assets are generally regarded as non-operative assets .