
  • 网络Asset tag;assettag
  1. 指定由公司分配给本工作站的资产标签或财产识别编号。

    Specify the asset tag or property identification number assigned by the company to this workstation .

  2. 使用二维QR条码技术,从资产入库开始,采集资产的各项基本属性,生成资产条码标签。

    Using two-dimensional bar code technology , starting from the asset storage , gathering assets ' basic properties , generate asset bar code labels .

  3. 搜索资产:开发人员可以在存储库中搜索特定类别的资产、特定的标签或关键字。

    Searching for an Asset : A developer searches through a repository for a specific category of Asset , a specific tag , or a keyword .