
  • 网络ASSET;asset share;Share of capital
  1. 这一模型是资产份额定价法的改进。

    The model is a kind of improvement for Asset Share Pricing Method .

  2. 动态资产份额定价理论模型

    Dynamic Asset Share Pricing Theoretical Model

  3. 市场份额向顾客资产份额的转变

    The Transformation of Market Share to Customer Equity Share

  4. 客观地评价市场份额,逐步理解并接受一个新的、面向未来、顾客导向的指标&顾客资产份额。

    By objectively analyzing market share , the paper guides readers to understand and accept a new customer-oriented index-Customer Equity Share .

  5. 凯捷称,2006年~2010年,配置于安全笃定的固定收益投资的资产份额从21%上升至31%。

    The proportion of their assets securely parked in fixed-income investments rose from 21 % in 2006 to 31 % in 2010 , says Capgemini .

  6. 自1990年以来,美国十大金融机构持有的金融资产份额已从10%升至逾50%。

    Since 1990 the share of US financial assets held by the 10 largest US financial institutions has risen from 10 to more than 50 per cent .

  7. 本文阐述了团体保险定价,提出了一种新的定价方法,改进了传统的资产份额保险定价法,并将其应用到具体实例中。

    This article elaborated the pricing of insurance , proposed a new pricing method , improved asset share pricing method , and applies it in a concrete example .

  8. 介绍了总保费的计算方法,利用资产份额法对总保费进行了测试,并概括了健康保险产品定价的完整过程。

    I research the calculation of total premium , and use asset share method to test the total premium , and then summarize the complete process of pricing .

  9. 国有商业银行作为我国金融业的主体,资产份额占到我国银行业总资产的70%以上,其竞争力直接决定了我国银行业的整体竞争能力。

    Being the main part of China 's finance , state-owned commercial banks ' assets occupies more than 70 percents of the general , which competition ability determines the whole directly .

  10. 我国金融体系的主体是工、农、中、建四大国有商业银行,其金融资产份额约占总量的70%左右。

    Four state bank industry and commercial bank , agriculture bank , China bank , construct bank are main body of financial system in China , and share of there financial capital is seventy percent .

  11. 通过对经典资产份额定价方法的研究,提出一种变动利率的保险定价方法,给出了应用实例,并分析了各种因素之间的关系。

    Through studying classical asset share pricing method , the life insurance with stochastic interest is presented . Compared with the old method , the new way is more practical for considering of the stochastic changes of interest .

  12. 文章得出的主要结论是,外资银行资产份额和贷款份额的增加显著减小我国银行体系危机发生的可能性,增强银行体系的稳定性。

    The main conclusions were as follows : The rise of the asset and the loan share of the foreign banks will decrease the possibility of the bank crisis in our country and increase the stability of the banking system .

  13. 银行业并没有出现在这个指数中,这是由于他们财务报表上的债务杠杆使得政府游说的支出在总资产中份额不足百分之一。

    Banks do not make the list because their balance-sheets are so leveraged that lobbying expenditures are small as a percentage of assets .

  14. 从2001年至今年第二季度,随着规模较小的地方银行进入市场,大型银行占中国总资产的份额已从68%降至53%。

    Between 2001 and the second quarter of this year , the big banks ' share of total assets in China plummeted to 53 per cent from 68 per cent as smaller , local banks entered the market .

  15. 华侨银行旗下的附属保险公司大东方控股,在资产和市场份额方面,是新加坡及马来西亚地区最大的保险集团。

    OCBC Bank 's insurance subsidiary , Great Eastern Holdings , is the largest insurance group in Singapore and Malaysia in terms of assets and market share .

  16. 购买方对合并成本大于合并中取得的被购买方可辨认净资产公允价值份额的差额,应当确认为商誉。

    The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as business reputation .

  17. 既然美国允许这种失衡的制度持续发展,对于亚洲人而言,不管是个人还是政府,拥有美国资产的大部分份额,而且不仅限于购买美国国债,也是自然而然的结果。

    The US allowed this unbalanced system to develop and the natural consequence is for Asians , whether citizens or their governments , to own large portions of US assets , and not just treasuries .

  18. 索赔准备金通常是非寿险公司资产负债表中份额最大的负债之一。

    Claims reserve is typically one of the largest items of liabilities in the balance sheet of non-life insurance companies .

  19. 外资银行在中国银行业资产中所占份额继续下滑,去年可能已不到2%。

    Foreign banks ' aggregate share of domestic banking assets , probably less than 2 per cent last year , continues to fall .

  20. 境外经营净投资,是指企业在境外经营净资产中的权益份额。

    The " net investment in an overseas operation " refers to an enterprise 's equity proportion in the net assets in an overseas operation .

  21. 目前,国际上和我国普遍将合并成本与取得的被并购企业净资产的公允价值份额的差额确认为合并商誉。

    In general , the difference between the cost of acquisition and fair value of net assets of business share is confirmed as purchased goodwill .

  22. 中外合资基金管理公司不仅没有被独立的本土竞争对手压垮,反而获得了全部管理资产40%的市场份额。

    Far from being squashed by stand-alone local rivals , Sino-foreign ventures have grabbed a 40 per cent market share of total assets under management .

  23. 因此,备受尊敬、拥有庞大资产、大块市场份额、光辉历史和众多员工的企业纷纷被推到破产边缘。

    So , vastly respected businesses with enormous assets , massive market shares , glorious histories and huge employee numbers were brought to the edge of bankruptcy .

  24. 通过并购可以快速切入一个新行业,可以通过行业整合减少竞争对手,还可以通过优势互补实现资源的优化配置、获取先进技术、资产或扩大市场份额。

    M & A can quickly enters a new industry , reduces competitors by industry consolidation , optimizes resource configuration and gets advanced technology by complementary advantages .

  25. 企业的学习能力、反应速度和适应能力将取代传统的资产规模、市场份额和资产收益率指标,而成为决定企业成败的重要因素。

    The enterprise 's learning capacity , reaction speed and adaptability will replace the traditional funds scale , market share and indicators of assets income ratio and become the important factors for an enterprise 's success .

  26. 统计表明,房地产在企业资产里占据重大份额,对工业企业而言,更是高达30%到60%,能否管理好企业这部分资产,将直接影响企业的长远发展。

    Statistics show that the real estate assets of the enterprise to occupy significant share of industrial enterprises , is as high as 30 % to 60 % . Whether enterprises can manage this part of the assets will directly affect the long-term development of enterprises .

  27. 报告称,这一庞大的富人群体平均可投资资产是133万元,他们在所有私人资产上的份额从2010年的15.5%增加到2012年的16.4%。

    The average amount of investable assets of this mass affluent group was 1.33 million yuan , and their share in the overall private assets rose from 15.5 percent in 2010 to 16.4 percent in 2012 , the report said .