
  1. 大企业吞并中小企业是资本主义竞争的绝对规律。

    The big enterprise absorbs the medium-sized and the small ones , that 's the absolute law of capitalist competition .

  2. 相关实践已经证明,金融已由资本主义竞争时代的交易中介转化为现代市场经济中,由对发展的牵头、控制和影响作用表现的社会主导力量。

    The practice has been proved that , finance has already changed its intermediary role in the capitalist competition era into the lead strength of modern market economy .

  3. 与资本主义竞争的企图不仅发生在经济领域而且也主宰了文化领域,在这个完全的反映的进程里文化的角色是明显的:零自治。

    Competition with capitalist not only takes place in the field of economy , but also dominates the field of culture . In this whole process of reflection , the role of culture is obvious & free management .

  4. 这种中国式的谦虚在资本主义的竞争市场是行不通的。

    This kind of Chinese style condescension in the capitalism competitive market is invalid .

  5. 但是现代经济学主流思想却不能给出合理的理论基础,甚至没有对资本主义社会竞争的本质进行任何深刻的描述。

    Yet the dominant economic thoughts cannot provide reasonable foundation and even profound description of the nature of capitalist competition is still lacked .

  6. 英国古典政治经济学的劳动价值论是指原始实物交换条件下的交换比例的决定法则,它必然同资本主义自由竞争条件下的商品价格决定和变动规律相抵触。

    The theory of labor value in the classical political economy of england refers to the law which decides the exchange rate of ancient trade pby barter .

  7. 生产价格是价值的转化形式,在资本主义自由竞争时代,生产价格是市场价格上下波动的轴心。

    Production value of the conversion price is the form of capitalism in the era of free competition , the production price is the market price fluctuations up and down the axis .

  8. 传统劳动价值论是资本主义自由竞争时期的产物,本质上是体力劳动价值论,它将随着时代发展逐渐被脑力劳动与脑力劳动价值论代替。

    Traditional Labor Value Theory is the outcome of capitalist free competition period , and it is in essence the Physical Work Labor Value Theory . It will be replaced by the theory on brainwork and Brainwork Labor Value Theory along with the development of the era .

  9. 19世纪末,欧美国家的资本主义自由竞争进入了白热化阶段,这些国家为了确保市场、增强各自实力,争先恐后地向亚洲国家进行经济侵略和思想、文化的渗透。

    At the end of 19th century , the free competition in Europe and America into the white-hot stage , these countries in order to catch the market and turn more strength , so they are all aggression to Asian countries at economic , ideology and culture .

  10. 资本主义是充满竞争、不断开拓和变革的社会。

    Capitalism is a society of full competition , continued development and innovation .

  11. 十九世纪后半期,西方资本主义的自由竞争逐步发展到最高阶段。

    In the latter half of the 19th century , the Western capitalism free competition in the progressive development to the highest stage .

  12. 各种垄断组织取代了自由竞争,资本主义由自由竞争阶段过渡到帝国主义阶段。

    Each kind of Monopolistic organization has substituted for the free competition , Capitalism transits from the free competition stage to the imperialism stage .

  13. 有些人担心,对私营企业之文化的批评可能会演变为一场指桑骂槐式的抨击,其矛头真正指向的是资本主义及其对竞争和经济自由的信仰。

    There are those who fear that criticism of the culture of private business could turn into a creeping denunciation of capitalism and its ethos of competition and economic freedom .

  14. 使19世纪末20世纪初,资本主义从自由竞争发展到垄断,生产技术、阶级结构、社会管理、科技组织、群众心理都发生重大变化。

    From the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century , the capitalist social system had developed from free competition to monopoly . Production technology , class structure , social management , scientific organizations and the mass psychology have all undergone great changes .

  15. 布哈林发现在一个已经完善了的世界市场,资本积累经过资本积聚和集中的发展,资本主义由自由竞争阶段发展到垄断阶段;资本经过民族化和国际化的纠缠过程,发展到帝国主义阶段。

    He found that in a perfect world market , capital is accumulated through capital accumulation and concentration and the capitalism is developed from the free competition to the monopoly stage ; capital developed from the nationalization and internationalization entanglement process , had reached the stage of imperialism .

  16. 全球化是社会主义与资本主义之间矛盾、竞争的结果。

    In nature the globalization is the outcome of contradictory and rival between socialism and capitalism .

  17. 作为资本主义的推动力,竞争赋予企业目标、使命和方向感。

    As the driving force of capitalism , competition gives companies a purpose , a mission and a sense of direction .

  18. 随着资本主义世界从自由竞争走向垄断竞争,契约自由原则也经历了从兴起到衰落。

    With the capitalist world from the free competition to monopolistic competition , principle of the freedom of contracting has also experienced from being on the rise to decaying .

  19. 随着资本主义经济由自由竞争走向了垄断,人的价值得到提高,权利开始呼唤平等,现代权利也更广泛、更深刻。

    As the capitalist economy from free competition to monopolies , the society begin to improve human values and to call for equal political rights , so modern rights are broader and deeper .

  20. 资本主义国家间的竞争使英国农业迅速衰落,农民被剥夺了土地,背井离乡,命运悲惨。

    The competition among the capitalist countries were making a rapid decline of the agriculture of England . The peasants were got rid of the land and had to leave their native place and lived in a very difficult situation .

  21. 另一方面,东欧、苏联等社会主义国家由于没有追赶上现代科技革命潮流,与发达资本主义国家在科技竞争中处于劣势,从而导致失败。

    On the other hand , the Soviet Union and the socialist countries in east Europe collapsed because they failed to keep pace with the development of modern science and technology and were in an inferior position when competing with the advanced capitalist countries over science and technology .

  22. 但随着资本主义社会由自由竞争过渡到垄断阶段,绝对的契约自由逐渐偏离了社会经济现实,契约自由原则必须作出调整,重新平衡新的利益关系,从而维护实质正义。

    However , with the transition from free competition to monopoly stage in the capitalist society , the absolute freedom of contract gradually deviated from the socio-economic realities , so the absolute freedom of contract must be to amend and re-balance interests , so as to maintain substantive justice .

  23. 两种经济组织形式——国家资本主义与国际资本主义在互相竞争,而两者都缺乏足够的吸引力。

    The two forms of economic organization - State Capitalism and International Capitalism are in competition with each other . Neither of them is attractive .