
  1. 邮电业要取消用船运的方式出口,因此几千个小型的网络书商正在准备应付由此而来的麻烦。

    THE Postal Service is taking the " ship " out of shipping , and thousands of small online booksellers are bracing for trouble .

  2. 邮电业发言人,YvonneYoerger说,顾客们还没有意识到其他的选择。

    Yvonne Yoerger , a spokeswoman for the Postal Service , said customers aren 't yet aware of other options .

  3. 关于邮电业技术进步的分析

    The analysis of technological Progress of Posts and Telecommunications Sector

  4. 运输邮电业与国民经济其他部门的关联分析

    Relations of post and telecommunication transportation enterprise to relevant sectors of national economy

  5. 邮电业损害赔偿责任限制的法理探讨

    On the Legal Basis for Limited - Responsibility Damages from Postal and Telecommunications Service

  6. 基于投入产出分析的我国邮电业发展绩效评价

    Achievements Evaluation of Development about P & T Industry of China Based on Analysis of Input-output

  7. 在大型单位工作的人,比如警察和邮电业服务人员,都需要穿统一的制服。

    People working for big organizations like the police and the postal service wear a uniform .

  8. 对生产诱发系数的分析得出邮电业是消费依赖型产业;邮电业的产值增长,对第二产业的产值波及程度最强,其次是第三产业,第一产业;

    Analysis of the production inducing coefficient shows that the post and telecommunications is a consumption-relying industry ;

  9. 口岸城市与周边地区近代交通邮电业的架构&以上海和长江三角洲为中心

    The Relation between the Port Cities and the Construction of Traffic and Telecommunication Industries in Their Neighboring Areas in Modern China

  10. 该国还保留了一部分国家垄断行业,包括烟草业、电信业、邮电业。

    The state retains monopolies in a number of sectors , including tobacco , the telephone network , and the postal service .

  11. 近代中国邮电业的兴起是安徽邮电近代化的前提。

    The rise of modern China Post and telecommunications industry is the premise of the modernization of post and telecommunications in Anhui province .

  12. 上月邮电业宣称,从五月中旬开始,将不再为个人客户办理货船国际商品运送业务。

    The post office said last month that as of mid-May , it would no longer transport goods internationally via cargo ships for individual customers .

  13. 然后,本文阐述了有关产业波及的理论,产业波及的衡量指标以及邮电业对其它产业的产业波及状况。

    The theory of industrial spread and whose indexes are given in chapter five which also analyze the industrial spread of the post and telecommunications to other industries .

  14. 其它各产业对邮电业的依赖程度以邮电业本身为最大,其次是第三产业、第二产业、第一产业。

    In regard to other industries which rely on the post and telecommunications , itself is maximum , then the tertiary industry , the secondary industry , and the primary industry .

  15. 集团先进而具前瞻性的应用方案得到来自不同行业的客户广泛使用,包括亚洲区各大银行、金融机构、邮电业、公用事业、大型企业及政府机构。

    Its cutting edge technologies and solutions are widely adopted by various clients from diverse industries including major banks , financial institutions , posts and telecommunications companies , utilities companies and government departments .

  16. 政府主导的改革作为邮电业本身发展以外的因素,促进了这个产业的繁荣,并通过国民经济部门间的内在联系给其他部门发展带来影响。

    Reform as the external variable of the post and tele industry , has promoted the prosperity of this industry , and has brought influence to the development of other departments through inner link with interdepartmental national economy .

  17. 交通运输和邮电通信业与国民经济发展的因果关系

    Causality analysis on investment in transport and communication and economic growth

  18. 交通运输和邮电通信业继续保持稳步增长。

    Continued steady growth was scored in transportation , posts and telecommunications .

  19. 本文以中国国家统计局公布的2000年全国投入产出表为分析数据,从交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业中分离出物流产业。

    This paper separates logistics industry from Transportation , Post and Telecommunications .

  20. 邮电通信业与区域经济的关系研究

    Studying for the Relation between the Telecommunication and the Development of Regional Economics

  21. 交通运输发展平稳,邮电通信业继续快速增长。

    Transportation registered steady development , and posts and telecommunications kept fast growth .

  22. 邮花辅币,邮政通货邮电通信业:邮电通信业发展速度提高。

    Posts and telecommunications : The development of postal and telecommunication sector sped up .

  23. 电力市场中的市场势力邮电通信业市场势力测度及对行业发展影响的实证分析

    The Measurement of Market Power and Its Influence to Development of Post and Telecommunication Industry in China

  24. 运输邮电通信业投资增长27.0%比重上升2个百分点。

    The investment in transportation , posts and telecommunications is up27 % ; its share rises BY2 percentage points .

  25. 全年交通运输和邮电通信业增加值为5029亿元,比上年增长8%。

    The value-added of these sectors in 1998 was 502.9 billion Yuan , an increase of 8 percent over the previous year .

  26. 福建省工业、建筑业、交通运输和邮电通讯业能源消费总量仍处于上升的趋势。

    The total energy consumption of industry , construction , transportation and post and telecommunications is still in the ascendant trend in Fujian Province .

  27. 全年邮电通信业实现增加值139.8亿元,比上年增长8.2%。

    In 2001 , the added value of postal and telecom sector was 13.98 billion yuan , up by 8.2 percent over the previous year .

  28. 营业税的征收范围具体包括交通运输业、建筑业、金融保险业、邮电通信业、文化体育业、娱乐业、服务业、转让无形资产和销售不动产9个税目。

    The scope of business tax includes transportation , construction , finance and insurance , post and telecommunication , culture and sports , entertainment , services , transferring intangible assets and sales of real estate .