
  • 网络Postal communication network;postal network
  1. 城市邮政通信网的评价及其指标体系

    The Evaluation of City Postal Network and Its Indices System

  2. 在邮政通信网部分指出,根据质量指标与交换量是否相关而分别采用p(cs)选控图与p控制图进行控制。本文并提出p(cs)选控图的第一个实例。

    And in the postal network , we need to use the pcs cause selecting control chart or p control chart to control the quality indices according as they are correlated to the quantity of exchange or not .

  3. 邮政通信网局部预测模型的研究和实现

    The Research and Implementation of Local Forecast Model of Postal Communication Networks

  4. 通过对几个数据参数的作用和计算方法的分析,论述了广东省邮政通信网中邮区中心局设置的定量分析方法。

    This paper states the quantitative analysis methods on the setting of postal central bureaus in Guangdong province by analyzing the functions and calculating methods of several parameters .

  5. 第二章介绍了邮政通信网的构成、邮区中心局的概念与运行方式,以及邮区中心局体制改革的必要性;

    In the second chapter , the paper clarifies the make of the post communication web , and the idea and the function of the postal district center .

  6. 电子邮政是现代邮政发展的必由之路,其核心是物流信息化,电子邮票是实现邮政物流信息化的综合解决方案,有助于邮政通信全网协同式生产的实现。

    Electronic post is the only way to approach to modern post , its core is logistics informationization , electronic stamp is the integrated solution to postal logistics informationization , it is helpful for implementing omni-net cooperative production of post industry .