
  • 网络stamp album
  1. 那是我的另一本邮册。

    That is another album of mine .

  2. 公司业务范围包括:全国电话号簿、精装书刊、邮册、目录、高档杂志及高科技产品说明书等。

    Our business scope includes national telephone directories , hardcover , catalogues , mail books , top-grade magazines and high-tech product manuals etc.

  3. 此次售卖的邮品分为六类,分别是售价为238元和158元的邮册、售价为15元的邮折、10元的纪念封、纪念片组合套装,以及售价为80元的集邮护照。

    The stamp albums are priced RMB238 yuan and RMB158 yuan respectively , stamp folder RMB15 yuan , souvenir cover and souvenir sheet set RMB10 yuan and philatelic passport RMB80 yuan .

  4. 这些荣誉包括在重要体育场馆附近的一尊雕像,一座名为“马布里之家”的博物馆,一套纪念他的邮册明信片,还有最近的一张中国绿卡。

    They include a statue near a major sports venue in the city , a museum named " Marbury 's Home , " a postage stamp issued in his honor and most recently , a Chinese green card .