
  1. 玩具店在邮局和银行之间。

    The toy shop is between the post office and the bank .

  2. 在邮局或者银行,你也是否经常排着队用脚打着拍子?

    How often do you stand tapping your foot in a line at the post office or bank ?

  3. 每年的这一天,美国的学校、联邦政府、邮局和银行

    Each year on the third Monday of January schools , federal offices , post office and banks across America

  4. 超市、药房、公共交通、邮局、银行、农场和食品生产行为除外,官员表示,为了确保向民众提供基本服务,这些行为必须保持运转。

    The only exceptions are supermarkets , pharmacies , public transportation , post offices , banks , farms , and food production industries , which officials say must be kept running in order to guarantee basic services to the public .

  5. 邮局就在银行的对面。

    The post office is just across from the bank .

  6. 邮局就在银行旁边。

    The post office is next to the bank .

  7. 一些琐事,比如去邮局或去银行,这些事必须要在工作时间才能去做。

    Some errands like going to the Post Office or the bank must be handled during work hours .

  8. 邮局在哪儿,银行隔壁还是学校旁边?

    Where 's the post office , next to the bank or the school ?