
yóu jì ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • mailshot;advertisement by postal matters
  1. 直接邮寄广告当然是一笔巨大的生意。

    Direct mail advertising is of course a huge business .

  2. 直接邮寄广告业在特卖品的包装方面已经变得非常熟练了。

    The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers .

  3. 一些专家还建议邮寄广告调查,邀请人们做出回应。

    Some experts even suggest sending out mailshot surveys which invite responses from your address book .

  4. 除了以上两点,我认为直接营销也很重要,直接邮寄广告、电话和网络现如今被用来宣传产品。

    Apart from the two points , I think direct marketing is also important , direct mail , telephone , and the internet are nowadays used by companies to promote a product .

  5. 另一点需要牢记的是,几乎所有市场都是如此,但相信我,阿联酋尤其如此。不要指望邮寄广告和电子邮件会带来什么好的效果。

    Another point to bear in mind that 's true of nearly all markets , but , believe me , it is particularly true of the UAE : don 't imagine mailshots or emails are going to produce good results .

  6. 对我们的邮寄的广告单无反应。

    There is no response to our mailing shoot .