
  • 网络SHOPPING GUIDE;shopping;guide
  1. 好莱坞时尚购物指南现在,让我带着大家去体验真正的LA,一个结合时尚与娱乐的LA,来一趟好莱坞时尚购物之旅吧!

    Your Ultimate LA Shopping Guide Now , let 's go , It 's a combination of fashion and entertainment , Let 's have a Hollywood fashion shopping trip !

  2. 网上的一份中文版泰国购物指南建议游客购买鳄鱼皮具和蛇药,前往曼谷假日酒店(HolidayInnBangkok)的裁缝店&据说这家店曾为参加外交峰会的外国领导人提供西装和衬衫。

    An online Chinese shopping guide for Thailand recommended buying crocodile leather goods , snake medicine and visiting a tailor shop in the Holiday Inn Bangkok that supposedly helped outfit foreign leaders with suits and shirts for a diplomatic summit meeting .

  3. 我能拿一个这个商场的购物指南吗?

    Can I get an information guide for this mall ?

  4. 精细家具及家饰折扣购物指南:为什么要付零售价?

    The Fine Furniture & Furnishings Discount Shopping Guide : Why Pay Retail ?

  5. 城市消费空间的生与死&《哈佛设计学院购物指南》评述

    The Life and Death of Urban Space of Consumption : Comments on The Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping

  6. 《精品购物指南》,是中国时尚生活服务类报纸的第一品牌,以敏锐的视角研读时尚流行趋势,倡导时尚生活方式,提供时尚消费资讯。

    " Shopping Guide " is a Chinese newspaper service class lifestyle brand , with a keen perspective study fashion trends , lifestyle fashion advocate , stylish consumer information .

  7. 试论对公众人物人身权利的分层次限制及保护&兼评刘翔诉《精品购物指南》侵犯肖像权案

    The Multilayered Restriction and Protection of the Personal Rights of Public Figues & A Comment on Liu Xiang 's Prosecution of his Portrait Rights Violated by the Life Style Magazine

  8. 如果你想知道秋天到来的时候该买些什么(当然,还有还几个月呢),这里列出了一份简单的购物指南。

    If you want to know what to get when it 's around to get it ( which , admittedly , won 't be for a few months ), here 's a cut ' n ' clip guide to what to buy .

  9. 目录中列有尺码及价格,其中许多种服装都附有图片,为您购物提供指南。

    Sizes and prices are indicated , and many are illustrated for your purchasing guidance .

  10. 被称为消费者保护组织(Procon)或者维护消费者权益(Pro-Consumer)的保护局还在当天发布了有关在网络购物注意事项的指南清单。

    The bureau , known as Procon , or Pro-Consumer , also published a list of tips today on what to look out for when shopping online .

  11. 为了减轻您的购物压力,我特地编制了一份购物指南,分门别类地介绍了不同价位不同功能的数码相机。

    To alleviate some of that shopping stress , I 've compiled a buyer 's guide for different camera categories with prices and pointers to innovation .