
  • 网络PURCHASE CONTRACT;purchase order
  1. 兹附上我们已签名的第123号购买合同一式两份。

    We attach hereto our purchase contract NO.123 in duplicate with our signature .

  2. 在二级市场上签订商品房购买合同后还需办理什么手续?

    Commercial housing in the secondary market purchase contract is signed with what procedures ?

  3. 根据电力购买合同15年的期限,这笔费用将总计达5168美元。

    This would translate to $ 5,168 through the power purchase agreement's15-year period .

  4. 但他们也指出,这个数据是根据管理层提供的购买合同计算出来的。

    But they cautioned that this figure was based on purchase contracts provided by management .

  5. 如果你没有签订购买合同,就不一定非买这房子不可。

    You are under no obligation to buy the house if you have not signed a purchase agreement .

  6. 俄罗斯将推迟兑现购买合同归咎于技术原因,但是伊朗官员怀疑真正原因是美国和以色列施加压力。

    Russia blames technical problems for the delays , while Iranian officials suspect pressure from the United States and Israel .

  7. 最近几年,狮子航空公司扩张迅速,与波音公司和空客公司都签署了有史以来最大数额的购买合同。

    Lion Air has been expanding rapidly and in recent years has given both Boeing and Airbus their biggest purchase order ever .

  8. 而且,千万别以为我会忘记,你们如何轻易地就让我签了购买合同,并迅速地“将我扫地出门”。

    And don 't think I will ever forget the ease with which you got my paperwork finished and whisked me out the door .

  9. 建议到本地房地产治理部门咨询相关手续,一定不要私下购买合同房。

    The proposal seeks advice from relevant formalities to management department of this locality estate , scarcely should buy contract house under the counter .

  10. 以出价投标购买合同为掩护,我设法查明了他们未来的经营计划。

    Under the cloak of bidding for a contract , I was able to find out quite a lot about their future business plans .

  11. 船运业正经历史上最严重的低迷期之一,受此影响,船主们支付数以千万美元计的罚金,以解除那些已经不合算的船只购买合同。

    Shipowners are forfeiting tens of millions of dollars to cancel contracts to buy vessels rendered uneconomic by one of the industry 's sharpest ever downturns .

  12. 当地买方同意从海外卖方那里购买合同项下的货物,并在合同中规定使用信用证支付。

    A local buyer agrees to buy goods from an overseas seller and under the sales contract , payment is to be made by banker 's letter of credit .

  13. 该大楼公寓售价从500万美元至逾1500万美元不等,到目前为止,已签订购买合同的比例略高于30%。

    So far , just over 30 % of the building 's units , which range from $ 5 million to more than $ 15 million , are in contract .

  14. 在分期付款购买合同中,在商品所有权的归属问题上,目前国际上,共有4种学说:附停止条件所有权转移说、担保物权说、质权说和部分所有权转移说。

    On the ownership stipulation pertaining to the commodities in installment contract , nowadays there are internationally four theories , respectively on ownership transfer with stop condition , property right guarantee , right of pledge , and partial ownership transfer .

  15. 使用这些链接可能需要使用特定的注册身份和密码(在从IBM购买服务合同后将会收到这些信息)。

    Using these links might require special registration and a password that you would have received after purchasing a services contract from IBM .

  16. 有一个交易所买卖基金购买期货合同的PowerSharesDB贱金属,购买铝,锌,铜,和不同的合同购买,以尽量减少价差。

    There is one ETF that buys futures contracts & PowerShares DB Base Metals , which purchases aluminum , zinc and copper and varies the contracts it buys to minimize contango .

  17. 您当然可以购买支持合同,但是在您拨打电话时能否获得满意的答复,还得靠运气。

    And while you can certainly buy support contracts , it 's really a roll of the dice as to who answers the phone when you call .

  18. 在保险交易实践中,被保险人通常是没有专业知识的普通消费者,大部分保险合同所采用的营销方式使得消费者在购买保险合同之前根本没有机会阅读保险条款。

    In the practice of insurance transaction , the insured is an ordinary consumer without expertise , Before the insured purchase a policy , they do not precede the opportunity to read the insurance terms .

  19. 试用买卖合同是出卖人与买受人约定,由买受人试用标的物,并任意决定是否同意购买的合同。

    Contract for the sale by trial is a kind of contract in which the seller and the buyer agree that , the buyer can decide whether or not to buy the subject matter after trial .

  20. 能源消费者和投机者正争相购买期权合同,以确保自己免受油价突破每桶100美元的影响这进一步表明,越来越多的人预计原油市场将大幅飙升。

    Energy consumers and speculators are scrambling to take out options contracts to insure themselves against oil prices rising above $ 100 a barrel a further sign of growing expectations of a spike in the crude market .

  21. 虽然G1已经发布,请注意对G1的生产环境使用必须购买Java支持合同才能获得授权。

    Although G1 is available for use in this release , note that production use of G1 is only permitted where a Java support contract has been purchased .

  22. 我不再链接购买有护送合同的旧沙发,而整个“CraiglistKillers”会使你左思右想廉价交易真正值多少钱。

    Not that I am in any way linking buying a used couch to contracting with an escort service , but the whole " Craigslist Killers " can make you think twice about how much a bargain is really worth .

  23. 其次,论述未经其他股东同意以及侵犯其他股东优先购买权的合同性质。

    Secondly , it discusses the nature of contract without the consent of other shareholders or infringement of other shareholders ' right of preemption .

  24. 我们,(公司名称),将把从中国(公司名称)购买的(合同号)项下的(商品名称)用于(最终用途)。

    We , ABC Company , will only use the titanium powder purchased from the Chinese company DEF LTD under contract No.S/C200301 in metal coating .

  25. 设置价格帽和购买单向差价合同都是从增加供应弹性的角度抑制发电厂商的持留容量行为,其中购买单向差价合同更为合理。

    Both setting price cap and buying one-way contract for dif-ferences ( CFD ) restrain market power by increasing supply elasticity , and the latter is more reasonable .

  26. 设备:指买方依据本合同向卖方购买的本合同附件二中所列的热镀锌生产线的在线设备;

    The Equipment : shall mean the on-line equipment of hot dip galvanizing production line listed in Appendix 2 to this Contract and to be purchased by the Buyer from the Seller under this Contract .

  27. 在缅甸,中石油(petrochina)因一份以折扣价格购买天然气的合同而受到批评。

    In Burma , PetroChina faces criticism over a contract to buy natural gas at a discount .

  28. 一些大企业购买的衍生品交易合同十分复杂,该监管人士说。

    The derivative contracts that some large Chinese firms purchased are very complex , he said .

  29. 这是你方准备购买照相机的销售合同草案。

    This is the draft of the sales contract for the cameras you are going to buy .

  30. 彩票合同的主体是彩票发行机构与彩票购买人,彩票合同属于民事合同、有偿合同、诺成合同、双务合同、定型化合同、射幸合同和最大诚信合同。

    The two parties of lottery contract are the distributor of lottery tickets and the buyer of lottery tickets .