
ɡòu ɡǔ quán
  • Purchase equity;stock right;share right
  1. 国有企业实行优先购股权体制障碍分析

    An Analysis of the System Barriers to Implementing ESO in State - run Enterprises

  2. 公司是否与任何机构(个人)签署购股权的合同?

    Are you under contract with any source that has rights to stock in your company ?

  3. 本公司细则及百慕达的法例并无授予优先购股权之条款。

    There is no provision for pre-emptive rights under the Company 's bye-laws and the laws in bermuda .

  4. 库存股份的购买可能有各种各样的原因,其中包括按照利润分配方案或购股权计划重新发行给高级职员和雇员。

    Treasury stock may be purchased for a variety of reasons , including to reissue them to officers and employees in profit sharing schemes or stock-option plans .

  5. 本公司股本及雇员购股权计划之详情分别载于随附之财务报表附注21及22。

    Details of movements in share capital and the employee share option scheme of the Company are set out in Notes 21 and 22 , respectively , to the accompanying financial statements .

  6. 所以董事会认为根据多项猜测性假设计算之任何购股权价值均属无意义及误导股东。

    As such , the directors believe that any calculation of the value of the options Based on a number of speculative assumptions will not be meaningful and will be misleading to the shareholders in the circumstances .

  7. 按该计划,授予每一位合资格员工的购股权最多为根据购股权计划可发行之股份总数25%。

    The maximum number of shares in respect of which options may be granted under the Scheme to any eligible employee must not exceed 25 % of the aggregate number of shares in respect of which options are issuable under the Scheme .

  8. 摩根士丹利是在中金公司13年前创立时以3700万美元购得上述股权的,但没有对管理决策的控制权。

    Morgan Stanley invested $ 37m for its stake when CICC was founded 13 years ago but lacks control of management decisions .

  9. 米塔尔已考虑以某种形式参与竞购,例如从力拓现有股东手中购得部分股权,一位银行人士称。

    Mr Mittal has considered some involvement in the takeover , such as the idea of taking a stake in Rio through buying from existing shareholders , said a banker .