
ɡòu zhì shuì
  • purchase tax
  1. 车辆购置税是由车辆购置附加费转化而来。

    The vehicle purchase tax is derived from vehicle purchase surtax .

  2. 车辆购置税二维条码申报系统的研究与设计

    Vehicle Purchase Tax of Two-Dimensional Bar Code Reporting System Research and Design

  3. 降低小排量汽车购置税的计划可能有利于吉利(geely)等汽车制造商。

    The proposed sales tax cut on smaller vehicles could help automakers such as Geely , one of the largest Chinese car companies .

  4. 车辆购置税的完税证明或者免税凭证;

    Proof on payment of vehicle purchase tax or documentation on tax-exemption ;

  5. 车辆购置税暂行条例

    The Interim Regulations on the Tax on Vehicle Purchases

  6. 费税改革与车辆购置税

    Tax and expense Reform and Vehicle Purchase Tax

  7. 采取了一些相当直接的措施(对小排量汽车下调购置税并提供补贴)后,汽车销量急速上升。

    Some pretty blunt instruments later tax cuts and subsidies for smaller vehicles and autos are flying off the forecourts .

  8. 2008年3月,中央政府将小排量汽车的购置税由10%降低至5%。

    In March , 2008 the central government cut taxes on these small cars to 5 % from 10 % .

  9. 但单凭减去一笔10%的购置税,是否就能促进销量大幅上升?

    But is it really possible that lifting a 10 % tax could cause such a massive surge in sales ?

  10. 这些措施包括削减汽车购置税目前该税占汽车售价的10%。

    These include a reduction in purchase taxes , which now make up 10 per cent of the cost price .

  11. 他们指出,政府出台了多项一次性的鼓励消费措施,包括向农村居民提供补贴,鼓励他们购买“白色家电”,以及减免小排量汽车的购置税。

    Rural people have been offered subsidies to buy " white goods ", and taxes on small cars have been cut .

  12. 中国政府将针对电动汽车免征10%的车辆购置税,这一最新举措旨在增强消费者对有利于环境的交通工具的兴趣。

    The Chinese government will waive a 10 per cent sales tax on electric vehicles in its latest attempt to spur consumer interest in environmentally friendly transportation .

  13. 从2001年1月1日起,我国正式开征车辆购置税,取代了已征收15年的车辆购置附加费。

    The vehicle purchase tax has been normally levied in out country from January 1 , 2001 , substituting for vehicle purchase surtax carried out for l5 years .

  14. 现在,高租金条例仍然有效,但是,康涅已经将房产购置税税率暂时降至了8%,在18个月后,这一税率将上调至12.5%。

    The high-rental rule remains , but Cannonier has temporarily cut the tax on real-estate sales to 8 percent of the purchase price , which then increases to 12.5 percent after 18 months .

  15. 减半征收小排量汽车购置税,减免住房交易相关税收,支持自住性住房消费。

    We halved the purchase tax on small-displacement automobiles . We reduced or exempted taxes on buying and selling homes to support the purchase of homes to be used as their owners ' residences .

  16. 针对当前车辆购置税漏税车辆无法监督的现状,从征稽部门的实际出发,利用科技手段实现对未税车辆的监控。

    Aiming at the current situation of evading tax of purchasing vehicles and according to actual conditions , the not taxing vehicles can be supervised and controlled by using the way of science and technique .

  17. 对于需求上升能否持续,有些人表示怀疑。他们指出,政府出台了多项一次性的鼓励消费措施,包括向农村居民提供补贴,鼓励他们购买“白色家电”,以及减免小排量汽车的购置税。

    Some people doubt whether rising demand can be sustained , pointing to several one-off incentives . Rural people have been offered subsidies to buy " white goods , " and taxes on small cars have been cut .

  18. 中国汽车技术研究中心的一位分析师认为,这主要归功于中国取消了电动汽车购置税(在2014年9月之前,购置税达到了车辆购买价格的10%)。

    An analyst from the China Automotive Technology Research Center attributed the jump to the elimination of the vehicle tax on Chinese electric vehicles ( until September 2014 , buyers were taxed at 10 % of the purchase price ) .

  19. 在此形势下,我国政府出台了《汽车产业调整和振兴规划》,采取减免车辆购置税、汽车下乡补贴等多项措施来应对危机。

    Under the force of circumstances , our government introduced a number of measures , like the automobile industry restructuring and revitalization plan , preferential vehicle purchase tax and the subsidy of " car to the countryside ", to deal with the crisis .

  20. 本章对汽车产品流转过程中主要相关税种进行介绍,并主要针对汽车消费税、燃油税、车辆购置税和车船税进行了较详细地分析。

    This chapter introduces the taxes related to automotive products during the transfer process ; a more detailed analysis focuses on automobile consumption tax , fuel tax , vehicle purchase tax and travel tax . Tax policy evaluation is carried out in two parts .

  21. 为了促进产品结构升级,提高竞争力,应该细化消费税的税率档次,对车辆购置税实行差别税率,改生产型增值税为消费型增值税。

    Obtained the conclusion that in order to promote the product structure , enhance the competitive power , the consumption tax rate should be subdivided , the vehicles purchase tax should be established different tax rate , the increment duty should be changed into the expense increment duty .

  22. 在改进后的重置成本法中,将车辆购置附加税计入重置成本全价;

    In the improved theory , considers the vehicle purchase tax as the part of production costs ;

  23. 原定今年年底到期的新能源汽车购置补贴和免征车辆购置税政策将延长2年。

    The subsidy and tax exemption for purchases of new energy vehicles , which were set to expire at the end of this year , will be extended by two years .