
  • Shopping Cart;shopping trolley;My Cart
  1. 纳多注意到斯科特的购物车里放了几盒现成的干酪酱通心粉,于是建议她换成全谷物通心粉和真奶酪。

    Nadeau notices the pre-made macaroni - and-cheese boxes in Scott 's shopping cart and suggests she switch to whole grain macaroni and real cheese .

  2. 或许你会把看中的一些东西放入收藏夹或购物车等着以后有钱了再买。

    Maybe you ’ ll save something in your favorites or shopping cart for when you do have money . For example :

  3. 我们提供特别设计的购物车,以满足带幼儿的父母的需要。

    We provide specially designed shopping trolleys to answer the needs of parents with young children .

  4. 为什么旁边人购物车里的东西看起来总是比自己车里的更诱人呢?

    Why are the contents of the next person 's shopping trolley always more alluring than one 's own ?

  5. 周末,推着购物车的购物者挤满了各大超市。

    Shoppers pushing their grocery carts crowd the supermarkets at weekends .

  6. 他所说的手推车是指小型购物车,这是真正的威尼斯人的象征。

    The carts he refers to are small shopping carts — the symbol of a true Venetian .

  7. 那是一个女人,她推着一辆旧的购物车,购物车上面堆满了袋子。

    It was a woman , pushing an old shopping trolley which was piled with bags .

  8. 一个男人正推着购物车向付款台走去。

    A man was wheeling his shopping trolley to the checkout .

  9. 基于Web的商务网站购物车系统的分析与设计

    Web-based Shopping Vehicle System Analysis and Design in Business Websites

  10. 考虑一个普通的现代电子商务Web应用系统:购物车。

    Consider a common part of any modern e-commerce Web application : a shopping cart .

  11. 我们将在一个简单的购物车Web服务中对此进行说明。

    It demonstrates this in a simple shopping cart Web service , built for this purpose .

  12. 对于这个购物车来说,有一个层次Category类和一个简单的Product类。

    For this shopping cart , there is a hierarchical Category class and a simple Product class .

  13. 基于Session技术的购物车的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Shopping Cart Based on Session Technology

  14. 写下Al在超市购物车里的东西。

    Write down the things that Al had in his shopping cart at the supermarket .

  15. 不过,购物车WebServices最终会以异步模式等待您完成购物。

    Ultimately , though , the shopping cart Web service has been waiting for you in asynchronous mode to finish your shopping .

  16. 这个移动Web服务系统包括三个子模块:天气预报服务、购物车服务、地图显示服务。

    This system includes three sub-modules that are a weather forecast service , a shopping car service and a displaying map service .

  17. 结合Flash和PHP技术实现Flash购物车

    Design and Implementation of Flash Shopping Cart Based on Flash and PHP

  18. 检索到的bean中包含显示购物车所必需的信息。

    The retrieved beans then contain the information needed to display the shopping cart .

  19. 虽然您将直接在Invoice.php上创建它,但是您可以设想数据来自于数据库、web服务或某种网上购物车系统。

    Php , but you can imagine the data coming from a database , web service , or some sort of online shopping cart system .

  20. 最后,脚本执行一个SELECT查询来检索购物车的当前内容。

    As a final step , the script performs a SELECT query to retrieve the current contents of the shopping cart .

  21. 基于Servlet和Session实现购物车

    Implementation of Shopping Cart Based on Servlet and Session

  22. 基于ASP的在线购物车系统

    The On-line Shopping Car System Based on ASP

  23. 这是可以做到的,因为购物车服务是基于servlet的。

    This is allowed because the shopping cart service is servlet-based .

  24. 用户还可以使用UPDATE或DELETE查询修改数量或从购物车中删除商品。

    Users can also modify quantities or remove items from their shopping carts using UPDATE or DELETE queries .

  25. 现在假设调用用例服务的客户端是一个基于Web的商店应用程序,它向用户显示购物车。

    The client that calls the service for the use case is now assumed to be a Web-based store application that displays the cart to a user .

  26. 您可以使用一个SELECT查询随时检索购物车的当前内容(包含小计)。

    You can retrieve the current contents of the shopping cart ( with subtotals ) at any time by using a SELECT query .

  27. Map中对应的值是一个Integer,代表购物车中指定Item的数量。

    The corresponding value in the Map is an Integer representing the quantity of the given Item in the cart .

  28. 他在资产存储库中搜索相关的组件化资产,找到了“添加到购物车(addtocart)”代码。

    He searches the asset repository for relevant componentized assets and finds the " add to cart " code .

  29. 例如,如果在购物车中放了某些东西之后点击Back按钮,您会期望应用程序将这些东西从购物车中去掉吗?

    For example , if you click on the Back button after placing something into your shopping cart , would you expect the application to take something out of your cart ?

  30. 接下来,脚本初始化一个会话,检查会话是否已经包含一个购物车ID。

    Next , the script initializes a session and checks to see if the session already contains a shopping cart ID.