
ɡān huǒ wànɡ
  • hot-tempered;irascible
  1. 随着工作压力的增大,生活节奏的加快,失眠症患者性格特点多为急脾气、爱生气,常常伴有易急易怒、心烦、眼干等心肝火旺症状。

    With increasing work pressure , the insomniacs whose personality characteristics were quick temper and often angry often associated with symptoms of acute irritability , upset and dry eyes .

  2. 尽管他很恬静,可是那只有点紧蹙的额头说明他肝火很旺。

    Despite his tranquility , a somewhat heavy brow speaks temper . He poked the coals up into a blaze .

  3. 他习惯性地暴饮暴食,使他肝火很旺,目光暗淡无光,两颊松弛。

    He gorged himself habitually at table , which made him bilious , and gave him a dim and bleared eye with flabby cheeks .

  4. 还喜欢暴饮暴食,落得个肝火很旺,目光迟钝,两颊松弛。

    He gorged himself habitually at table , which made him bilious , and gave him a dim and bleared eye and flabby cheeks .

  5. 他瘦小干瘪,满口难看的牙齿,肝火很旺,蓬乱的灰胡子,还长着一双凶光四射的眼睛。

    He was a small , shrivelled person , with bad teeth and a bilious air , an untidy grey beard , and savage eyes .

  6. 中医学认为,春季和肝脏有着与“木”相同的属性,因此肝火容易过旺,使人们变得焦躁敏感。

    TCM practitioners believe that spring and the liver have the same property of " mu "( wood ), thus the liver tends to be over-active , making people touchy .