
  • 网络Heparinization;heparinized;heparinize
  1. 术后维持肝素化24h。

    After the treatment 24 h heparinization were maintained .

  2. 使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM),研究了两种肝素化方法和肝素加入量对超细纤维形貌的影响。

    Scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) was used to analyze the effect of heparinization on the morphology of ultrafine fibers .

  3. 表面肝素化的聚氯乙烯管道能减少金黄色葡萄球菌(SA)和表皮葡萄球菌(sE)对材料的粘附(P<0.05)。

    Surface-heparinized PVC can decrease the binding of S. aureus and S.epidermidis ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 使用傅立叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS),证明了肝素化后的材料表面化学成分的变化。

    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy were used to illustrate the composition changes of PLGA .

  5. 目的评价非全身肝素化状态下冠状动脉造影(CAG)的安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety of coronary angiography ( CAG ) without heparinization .

  6. 类肝素化抗凝血材料的研究&PVA,PET及PEU的磺化反应及血液相容性

    Study on Heparin like Materials & Sulfonization and Blood Compatibility of PVA , PET and PEU

  7. 方法30例择期行双瓣膜置换的病人,随机均分为三组:肝素化膜肺组(H组)、甲基强的松龙组(M组)和对照组(C组)。

    Methods Thirty adult patients undergoing elective dual valves replacement were randomly divided equally into three groups : heparin-bonded membrane oxygenator ( group H )、 methylprednisolone group ( group M ) and control group ( group C ) .

  8. 本课题采用二步法对医用聚氯乙烯材料(MedicalPoly〔vinylchloride〕)表面的共价键合肝素化方法进行了研究。

    The method of covalent bonding of heparin onto the surface of medical Poly ( vinyl chloride ) ( PVC ) material was studied in this thesis by a two ? step procedure .

  9. 利用红外光谱(FT-IR)和X光电子能谱(XPS)的测量结果表征薄膜表面肝素化前后的结构和组成;

    The structure and composition of the films before and after heparinization were characterized by Fourier infrared spectra ( FT-IR ) and X-ray photoelectron spectra ( XPS ) .

  10. 目的了解经股动脉无肝素化和经桡动脉小剂量肝素行冠状动脉造影(简称CAG)术后,患者舒适度以及血管穿刺局部并发症的发生情况。

    Objective To investigate the comfort degree and local complications of transradial approach with heparin coronary angiography ( CAG ) and transfemoral approach without heparin CAG .

  11. 另外对不同MDEA含量和不同NCO/OH比值下乳液的流变性能也进行了分析。将阳离子水性聚氨酯固定在医用聚氯乙烯管内壁并对其进行肝素化。

    In addition , we also analyzed the rheology properties of the emulsion with different MDEA content and NCO / OH ratio .

  12. 方法:制作80例WistarSD大鼠腹腔异位心脏移植动物模型,在供心的切取、受体的肝素化、腹腔血管的准备、心肌的灌注和保护及血管的吻合上有较多的改进。

    Methods Eighty animal models were made . In animal models of heterotopic heart transplantation from Wistar to SD rats , we improved greatly on donor cardiectomy , heparinization of recipient , preparation of celiac vessel , vascular anastomosis , myocardial perfusion and protection .

  13. 建立非肝素化大鼠创伤失血性休克动物模型,观察创伤失血性休克后不同的性别对PMN反应的影响。

    The aim of this series of study including : 1 . To establish a non-heparinized model of trauma-hemorrhage in the rat , and determine the gender dimorphism of circulating PMN 's response to trauma-hemorrhage and resuscitation .

  14. 对照组行麻醉,肝素化,橡皮圈环绕结扎右后肢根部,阻断血流4h后松解,恢复血流灌注4h后,采血及取肝组织备检。

    Control group were anesthetized and heparin , rubber band ligation around the roots of the right hind , blocking blood flow 4 h after the lysis and restore blood flow 4 h after the blood and liver tissue prepared to take inspection .

  15. 所有患者局麻后,以Seldinger技术穿刺一侧股动脉,按常规给予全身肝素化并监测活化凝血时间(ACT),使ACT控制在250~300s之间。

    Seldinger techniques were used , the 5F Sheath was put into the right femoral artery after local anesthesia , intravenous heparin was regularly administered to the patients , the activated coagulation time ( ACT ) was monitored which was controlled between 250 seconds to 300 seconds .

  16. 手术组采用开颅两次视交叉池注血法,首次按1.0ml/kg体重注入自体非肝素化血,48小时后按0.5ml/kg体重再次注血;

    Operation group were made by injected autologous no-heparinized artery blood 1ml / kg body weight into chiasmatic cistern for the first time , once again 0.5ml/kg body weight after 48 hours ;

  17. 自体浓缩骨髓取自体,用肝素化的注射器在股骨大转子处穿刺抽取骨髓2~3mL,低温离心机以1500r/min离心,获浓缩骨髓0.5mL备用。

    Concentrated autologous bone-marrow was harvested from the tested rabbits . 2 to 3 mL bone marrow was extracted from the femoral bone with injector treated by heparin . Centrifugation was performed at 1 500 r / min , 0.5 mL concentrated bone marrow was obtained .

  18. 肝素化高分子液晶/聚醚氨酯生物材料的研究

    Study on Preparation and Characterization of Heparinized LCP / PEU Biomaterials

  19. 神经科血液净化过程中肝素化程度的探讨

    Probe into heparinization of patients with nervous system diseases undergoing blood purification

  20. 聚氯乙烯表面肝素化的研究

    Study of Heparin Coating on the Surface of Polyvinyl Chloride

  21. 无肝素化人工肝技术治疗重型肝炎病人的护理

    Nursing care of severe hepatitis patients treated by non-heparinized artificial liver technique

  22. 肝素化结合方式及本体材料的研究进展

    Advances in the Study on Integrated Mode of Heparin and Noumenon Biomaterials

  23. 文章对肝素化反应的结果作了解释。

    Finally , an explanation for the results of heparinization is suggested .

  24. 非全身肝素化冠状动脉造影安全性的临床评价

    Clinical evaluation of the safety of coronary angiography without heparinization

  25. 丝素改性胶原膜的肝素化

    Immobilization of Heparin to Silk Fibroin / Collagen Blend Films

  26. 未肝素化冠状动脉造影600例安全性临床分析

    Evaluating the clinically safety of non-heparin coronary angiography based on 600 patiens

  27. 肝素化医用高分子抗凝管的研究

    A Study on the Heparinized Biomedical Polymer Anticoagulative Tube

  28. 肝素化胶原/丝素共混膜的制备及其抗凝血性能

    Preparation and blood anticoagulant activity of heparinized collagen / silk fibroin blend film

  29. 肝素化聚氨酯表面血小板粘附研究

    Study of Platelet Adhesion on PU Surface with Heparinization

  30. 等离子体引发聚乙烯表面肝素化及其生物相容性

    Polyethylene Surface Heparinization by Plasma Initiation and Its Biocompatibility