
  1. 中医三部九候的人迎脉与西医的颈动脉搏动相对应,但西医的腹主动脉搏动,肝脉搏动及桡动脉搏动等都无中医的对应。

    Although , the Renying pulse of TCM has identical pulse with the carotid pulse of WM , but they are not sorted on abdominal , hepatic and radial puse in TCM yet .

  2. 结论:肝内门脉变异并不少见,3DDCEMRP是一种有效、微创技术,能方便而清楚地显示肝内门脉的解剖和变异。

    Conclusions : Variations of the intrahepatic portal vein branching are not rare , 3D DCE MRP is an effective and minimally invasive method to demonstrate the anatomy and variations of the intrahepatic portal vein clearly .

  3. 第一例是一位12岁的男孩,临床上表现出因肝门脉高血压所引起的呕血症状。

    The first patient was a12-year-old boy who presented with hematemesis due to portal hypertension .

  4. B超测定脾脏体积指数和肝门脉内径。

    The volume index of spleen and inner diameter of hepatic portal vein were measured by ultrasonography .

  5. 应用多普勒超声观测胎儿肝内门脉系统的血流改变

    Observation of the Fetal Blood Flow Changes in the Liver Portal Vein System by Using Ultrasonic Doppler

  6. 目的应用多普勒超声监测胎儿时期肝内门脉系统的血流参数。

    Objective To observe the fetal blood flow changes in the liver portal vein system by color ultrasound Doppler .

  7. 14例肝内门脉左、右支血流由术前的进肝流向转为术后离肝流向。

    In 14 patients , flow direction in the left and right portal veins converted from hepatoportal to hepatofugal .

  8. 肝癌患者舌下络脉宽度与肝门脉系统血管及其血流动力学指标的相关性研究

    Correlation between the width of lingual vein and the changes of hemodynamics of portal system in patients with primary liver cancer

  9. 结论:肝癌患者舌下络脉宽度与肝门脉系统中门静脉内径和脾静脉内径密切相关。

    Conclusion : The width of lingual vein is closely correlated with the diameters of portal vein and splenic vein in patients with primary liver cancer .

  10. 本文介绍了消化系统中的肝门脉系统、胆周门脉系统、小肠绒毛门脉系统、胰岛&外分泌门脉系统和唾液腺门脉系统的结构和功能。

    This paper introduces the structure and the function of the hepatic portal system , peribiliary portal system , villous portal system , islet-exocrine portal system , salivary gland portal system in the digestive system .

  11. 目的:探讨肝癌患者舌下络脉宽度与肝门脉系统血管及其血流动力学指标的相关性,为临床通过观察舌下络脉预测门脉高压提供数据支持。

    Objective : To explore the correlation between the width of lingual varix and changes of hemodynamics of portal system in patients with primary liver cancer so as to supply the data for the forecast of portal hypertension by observing lingual varix .

  12. 肝纤维化与门脉高压关系的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Relationship between Hepatic Fibrosis and Portal Hypertension

  13. 脾腔分流术治疗小儿肝外型门脉高压症

    Splenocaval shunts for extrahepatic portal hypertension in children

  14. 儿童肝外型门脉高压症的诊治

    Treatment of Extrahepatic Portal Hypertension in Children

  15. 脉冲多普勒对原发性肝癌肝动脉及门脉静血流的定量测定

    Quantitative Measurement of Hepatic Arterial and Portal Venous Blood Flow by Plused Doppler in Patients with Primary Liver Cancer

  16. 远端脾肾静脉分流手术治疗肝外型门脉高压的探讨肝脾固定治疗犬肝前性门脉高压效果观察

    Exploration of Treatment for Extrahepatic Portal Hypertension by a Distant Splenorenal Venous Shunt Operation Animal experiment of curing pre-hepatic portal hypertension by fixation between liver and spleen

  17. 目的探讨保留脾脏、远端脾静脉肾静脉分流手术治疗肝外型门脉高压的效果。

    Objective To explore efficacy of treatment for extrahepatic portal hypertension secondary to extrahepatic portal vein obstruction by a distant splenorenal venous shunt operation under spleen conservation .

  18. 脾肾静脉分流是治疗小儿肝外型门脉高压症的有效手段,但因肾静脉位置深、细小,增加了手术难度,影响疗效。

    Although extrahepatic portal hypertension ( EHPH ) can be effectively managed by splenorenal shunts ( SRS ), the relatively small caliber of renal vein in child may become a trouble during these operations .

  19. 门静脉内注射PVA制作犬肝内型门脉高压症模型

    Intrahepatic portal hypertensive canine model produced by intraportal PVA injections

  20. 有肝动脉-门脉分流的肝癌患者较没有分流的病程短(P<0.05)。

    The course of PHC in the patients with the hepatic A-V shunt was shorter than that with no hepatic A-V shunt ( P < 0.05 ) .

  21. 大鼠肝纤维化程度与门脉压力的关系

    Relationship of hepatic fibrosis with portal pressure in CCl_4-induced cirrhotic rat

  22. 肝前性门脉高压大鼠胰岛功能的变化

    Changes of the pancreatic islets function in prehepatic portal hypertensive rats

  23. 实验性急性肝衰竭时门脉高压发生机制的研究

    Studies on the pathogenesis of portal hypertension in the experimental acute hepatic failure

  24. 双功超声多普勒对肝纤维化家兔门脉血流动力学的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Portal Hemodynamics of Rabbit with Portal Hypertension by Duplex Doppler

  25. 不同肝功能分级门脉高压症患者的门脉系统血流动力学变化

    Portal System Hemodynamics Changes in Different Liver Function Grade Patients with Portal Hypertension

  26. 方法应用缩窄门静脉方法进行动物(犬)的肝前型门脉高压症的模型制作。

    Methods Eighteen canine models of PPH was made using narrowing the portal vein .

  27. 供肝冷保存门脉再灌注制备大鼠肝移植模型

    Establishment of liver transplantation model in rats by portal vein reperfusion in cold preservation

  28. 不同术式对肝前型门脉高压症门脉压力影响的实验研究

    Influence of Various Operative Methods on Portal Pressure of Prehepatic Portal Hypertension : An Experimental Study

  29. 结论猪门静脉多次注射葡聚糖微球可以形成肝纤维化和门脉高压症模型。

    Conclusion Embolizations of PV with dextran microsphere could create portal hypertension or induce hepatic fibrosis .

  30. 目的:探讨肝前性门脉高压大鼠胰岛α、β细胞功能及其与循环血液中胰岛素及胰高血糖素水平变化的关系。

    AIM : To find out changes of the pancreatic islets function in prehepatic portal hypertensive rats .