- The heart controls mental activities

Instructor uses acupuncture to treat the disease . Instructor think the heart controls mental activities and head controls brain will , so use the points of heart meridian of hand-Shaoyin and point on the head to treat insomnia .
Research on the Connotation of " Xin Zhu Shen Ming " and Its Clinical Literature
In this paper , we review the academic viewpoints and the arguments of three theories .
The correlation and differentiation of mental activities controlled by heart and brain were discussed in physiology and pathogenesis .
The " Brain Govern the Spirit Light " theory corrects the insufficient of " Heart Govern the Spirit Light " theory , makes Chinese Traditional Medical culture more perfect and more developed .
It is pointed out that traditional theory believes in the heart governing mind , but it also gives some statements regarding the brain and nerve , sense , perception as well as life health , which is close to the theory of " brain governing mind " .
In pathologica conditions , the relationship between brain and viscera were : 1.Heart controlling the blood disorders , heart not governing , then affects the brain . 2 .