
  1. 老子学习心理观的风格与特征

    On the Style and Traits of Laozi 's Concept of Learning Psychology

  2. 模块心理学的挑战:反文化心理观

    " Module Psychology ": A Challenge to " Perspective on Culture Mind "

  3. 朴素物理观和朴素心理观&进化心理学视角名牌牛仔服,质朴无华,更显男子汉俊俏英拔。

    With these unaffected and plain famous Brand-name jeans on , men look even more handsome and heroic .

  4. 虽然两种心理观也试图融合,但仍然不能使心理学走出危机。

    Although the two kinds of psychological view tried to fuse , psychology can not free from the crisis yet .

  5. 数学心理观在接受相关学科强有力的证实的同时,也提出了许多由未知而产生的问题和挑战。

    When psychological notion of mathematics is accepting the cogent confirmations , it is also facing to the problems and Challenger because of unknowing .

  6. 重新解读西方心理学史从旧史到新史的启示科学主义背景下的文化心理观简析心理学史中的文化研究

    Unscramble the History of the Western Psychology & The Revelation Among the Transition from the Traditional History to the New Analyzing the Cultural Research in Psychology

  7. 接着,论述了普遍语法、语言迁移和过渡语理论的关系,也分析了过渡语的语言观、心理观和教育观。

    Then it discusses the relationship between Universal Grammar , language transfer and interlanguage theory , and also discusses the linguistic , psychological and educational points of view of interlanguage .

  8. 科学观是科学发展的前提,在西方心理学史上一直存在着科学取向的心理观和人文取向的心理观。

    The view of science presupposes the development of subjects , there exists the psychological view of science - orientated and humanity-orientated all the time in the history of psychology in western countries .

  9. 批判性心理学坚持马克思主义心理观,重视人类心理的社会文化属性和政治属性,认为传统心理学是为资本主义服务的。

    It insisted on the Marxist outlook of psychology , and paid special attention to social cultural and political attributes of human psychology . Besides , it took traditional psychology as a tool serving the Capitalism .

  10. 并从数学心理观的侧面说明理论心理学在反对科学主义和实证主义、提倡人文科学精神的同时,也重视倡导科学的实验方法。

    And in perspective of mathematical psychological notion , it further points out that , while opposing scientism and positivism and advocating the scientific spirit of humanity , theoretical psychology also attach much importance to scientific experimental methods .

  11. 这些学派由于各自的心理观不同,因此,不仅具有不同的理论体系和术语,而且在对待同一心理问题上也往往存在着不同的见解,导致了心理学理论的混乱。

    These school of thoughts are different because of respectively mental view , therefore , not only have different theory system and technical term , but also usually exist different views in treating the same mental problem , caused psychology theoretical disorder .

  12. 生活在由维多利亚晚期向现代主义早期过渡的文化转型阶段,康拉德拥有现代时间观、心理观和创作观,努力摆脱传统叙事方式的束缚,寻求新的形式来表达意义。

    Standing at the juncture between the late Victorian and the early modernist cultural stages , Conrad , with a modern outlook of time , psychology and creation , attempts to transcend the hurdles of conventional narrative modes and seek a new form to convey meaning .

  13. 费尔贝恩人格客体关系理论的心理治疗观与我一道存在&谈R.D.莱因的存在心理治疗观

    W.R.D. Fairbairn s Views on Psychotherapy of Object Relations Theory of Personality ; " Being-With-Me ": On R.D.Laing 's Existentialism Psychotherapy

  14. 儒家的人才心理保健观。

    ( 6 ) Psychological health care views of the talents .

  15. 人类创造性精神的心理表征观

    The Notion of the Mental Representation System of Human Creativity

  16. 克莱因的儿童心理结构观述评

    Reinterpretations of Klein 's Idea about the Child Mental Structure

  17. 影响学生心理健康观的主要因素为不同来源地区。

    The main factor affecting students ' mental health conception is hometown .

  18. 河北省高校大学生心理健康观及其心理健康现状的调查研究

    Investigation on Condition of Mental Health of College Students in Hebei Province

  19. 人本心理教学观中强调以学生为中心,将学生视为学习活动的主体。

    Humanistic psychology stresses student-centered teaching approach and students are the subject of learning .

  20. 论俄罗斯主体心理学的心理发展观

    Thoughts on Development in Russian Subjective Psychology

  21. 着重提炼了其对心理模块观研究的积极意义。

    It focuses on refining the positive significance of related researches of mental module theory .

  22. 儿童心理发展观的历史演进与未来发展趋势

    The historical evolution and the future development of the ADEA on children 's psychological development

  23. 中学生的心理健康观存在民族、性别、不同来源地区的差别。

    The mental health conception of middle school students differs in nationality , gender and hometown .

  24. 影响教师心理健康观的主要因素为班主任工作年限。

    The main factor affecting teachers ' mental health conception is the time of being a head teacher .

  25. 英汉民族有不同的职业委婉语,蕴涵了英汉民族不同的文化心理价值观。

    British and Chinese peoples use different occupational euphemisms that embody different values , ethics and cultural consciousness .

  26. 采用文献综述和开放式问卷调查的方法逐步厘清适合当代大学生的心理健康观。

    The use of literature review and open-ended questionnaire clarify the concept of mental health which suit for contemporary college students .

  27. 中学教师、学生、学生家长的心理健康观同专家的心理健康观还有一定差距。

    There is still some disparity in mental health conception between experts ' and students ' , teachers ' & parents ' .

  28. 这可能是由于家长的儿童心理健康观的偏颇、对自己子女不够了解和将儿童道德教育与心理健康教育混淆的原因所导致。

    The reasons are maybe parental false health understanding , no comprehending their own child and mixing up the moral education with the health education .

  29. 第七章基于前而业已确立的心理模块观,对于一般心理学、特别是对于主流或传统认知心理学所具有的革命性意义,作总结性的探讨。

    The seventh chapter sums up the revolutionary significance of mental module theory for the general psychology , especially the traditional cognitive psychology in the mainstream .

  30. 渝东南地区中小学校长心理健康观及心理健康教育观的调查报告

    A Report about the viewpoint on Psychological Health and Psychological Health Education of the Headmasters in Primary and Middle Schools in the South-east Area of Chongqing