
  1. 百年中国新文学的道德形而上与形而下问题争鸣天文、人文与文化的超越性

    Contending about Moral Metaphysics and Pragmatism in Chinese New Literature in Recent One Hundred Years

  2. 然而,朱子终不能抵挡思想史上常有的现成化倾向,最终造成思想与生活、形而上与形而下的割裂。

    However , due to the ready-made orientation often seen in the history of thoughts , his thoughts end up in the disjunction of thoughts and life , the " metaphysical " and the " physical " .

  3. 在柏拉图和亚里士多德之后,政治思维更明显地趋向于形而上层面与形而下层面的对立,趋向于精神世界与行为世界的对立。

    After Plato and Aristotle , politics is divided according to other standards , that is to say the conflicting of political ideas obviously turn to the metaphysics and physics , and even the mental world and the material world .

  4. “形而上”与“形而下”的近代分离&《易》与经学时代中国学者的学术兴趣

    The split of physics and metaphysics in modern times : Yi and the scholars ' interests in the Classics Studies times

  5. 近代科学在欧洲的产生,乃得益于“文艺复兴”以来欧洲学术上“形而上”与“形而下”的大规模分离。

    The birth of modern science in Europe benefits from the large-scale split of physics and metaphysics in European academic circle .

  6. 论形而上之数与形而下之数包涵的一分为三思想

    Numbers and figures discuss the ideology of " one devided into three " included in the number of abstract and the number of concret