
ɡé zhì
  • Ge Zhi;old name of physics;study the phenomena of nature;do deep/profound research
格致 [gé zhì]
  • (1) [study the phenomena of nature to acquire knowledge] 格物致知的略语,考察事物的原理法则而总结为理性知识

  • 致知在格物,物格而后知至。--《礼记.大学》

  • (2) 清朝末年讲西学的人用它做物理、化学等自然科学的总称

  • 在这学堂里,我才知道世上还有所谓格致,算学,地理,历史,绘图和体操。--《呐喊》自序

  1. 在历史与现实之间&格致书院办学特色及其启示

    Between history and reality & On the features of the Gezhi Academy

  2. 上海格致书院的一份译书清单

    A List of Translated Books of the Shanghai Polytechnic Institution

  3. 上海格致书院大铁房博物馆质疑

    A Question About the Great Iron-House Museum of the Gezhi Academy in Shanghai

  4. 从格致到科学

    From " Gezhi " to " Science "

  5. 上海格致书院在筹建时曾有建大铁房博物馆的计划。

    When the Gezhi Academy in Shanghai was being prepared to construct , there was a plan for the Great Iron-House Museum .

  6. 此后不同时代的哲学家对其做出了各自的诠释和理解,形成了中国哲学史上的格致之学。

    Different philosophers have different viewpoints on the interpretation and understanding of this category , which forms the theory of it in the history of Chinese philosophy .

  7. 首先,文章探讨了亚洲文会北中国支会对格致书院在管理模式、组织架构、人员支持等方面的影响。

    The first part primarily discusses the influences of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic on the management models , organization and staff supports of the Polytechnic Institution .

  8. 该书的显著特点是剔除亚里士多德哲学中的自然神论,并融合中国传统格致知识,以演绎推理构成全书内容。

    Among the notable features of this work were its abandonment of the natural theology of Aristotelian philosophy and its integration with Chinese natural sciences ( gezhi ), and its total reliance on deductive reasoning .

  9. 并从“成圣”、“格致”、“良知”的统一性出发,探讨了王阳明认识论思想的现实性&“人皆可以为尧、舜”。

    Learning from sages , investigating and extending and the innate knowledge could be unified , which guaranteeing the reality of Wang 's cognitive idea ( every one could be Emperor Yao or Emperor Shun ) .

  10. 王韬主张改革科举制度,建立近代学校教育制度。在主持上海格致书院期间,他采用班级授课制和分科教学法进行教学活动,创立了考课制。

    During his prefecture of the dean in Shanghai Gezhi College , Wang adopted the school teaching system so as to carry on teaching activities with a department instruction through which he created the subject-centered system .

  11. 虽非纯粹科技期刊,而是一份文理综合性期刊,但它仍然践行了视格致为治国平天下之根柢和新的办刊初衷。

    It is not a purely scientific journal , but a comprehensive journal of art and science with science as the main . But it still practice the publishing original intention which takes science as the root of governing and pursues the new thing .

  12. 他于1876年创办了我国近代最早的科普期刊&《格致汇编》,以其独特的内容介绍了西方的科技知识,为科学在中国的普及打下了基础。

    He established the journal Chinese Scientific Magazine in 1876 , which was the earliest journal of popular science in the modern times of China . It introduced the western science and technology by special content and founded a base for the knowledge popularizing in China .

  13. 该刊提出一种崭新的包含人文社会科学和自然科学的大科学范畴的格致观(科学观),并且注重科学作用于社会之后所引发的工业革命与社会革命,即科学社会化的效果。

    The journal presents a new science view , which is a big science category of humanities social science and natural science , and attention to scientific effect on society which lead to the industrial revolution and social revolution , In other words , the effect of scientific socialization .

  14. 格致书院作为洋务运动时期中西文化交流的产物,既是洋人向华人展示先进科学技术的平台,又是华人向洋人汲取先进文化的窗口。

    The Polytechnic Institution was the product of Chinese and western culture exchange during the period . It was not only the platform on which the West showed the advanced science and technology to China , but also the opportunity for China to learn the advanced culture of the West .