
sī shāng
  • merchant;trader;businessman;rob;plunder;private shops
私商 [sī shāng]
  • (1) [businessman; merchant; trader]∶由私人投资经营的商业或私人投资经营商业的人

  • (2) [rob;plunder]∶本指贩运私货者,后指在江湖干劫财害命的勾当

  • 如今我兄弟两个都改了业,我便只在这浔阳做些私商。--《水浒传》

私商[sī shāng]
  1. 尤其不应允许外国私商来我国插手经营此项业务。

    Foreign private businessmen in particular shall not be allowed to have a hand in this line of business .

  2. 随着公私合营的到来,私商的性质发生根本变化,被剥离出该公会的管辖范围,那么作为管理者的同业公会也必然失去了存续的必要。

    With the advent of public-private partnerships , the nature of merchant has changed radically . For that , they were stripped out of the jurisdiction of the Association , then as a manager of the Association are bound to lose its existence necessary .

  3. 当然它也带来了消极影响:一方面,私商勾引倭寇引发倭乱,破坏了社会生产;另一方面,它也助长了贿赂腐化等不良的社会风气。

    Certainly it had also brought the negative effect : On the one hand , traders enticed the Japanese pirate to rebel and destroyed the social product ; On the other hand , it also encouraged the bad social ethos such as bribe and putridness .