
  • 网络Micronation
  1. 这看上去有些离奇,就相当于私人向国家提供补贴。

    Weird as it seems , this amounts to a private subsidy to the state .

  2. 私人和国家的自然资源产权的最适宜的组合是什么?

    What is the optimal mix of private and public property rights in natural resources ?

  3. 应建立国际仲裁体系,允许私人以及国家对经济损失提出索赔。

    Private parties , as well as countries , should be allowed to bring claims for monetary damages .

  4. 至于其他的殖民地我同意有多种多样的动机但是利润(私人或国家的)的考量肯定包括在内。

    As for other colonies I can agree that the motifs in creating such has varied but profit ( private or for a state ) has mostly been involved .

  5. 如同美国一样,英国也经历了强劲的信贷增长、房价大幅上涨、较低的私人与国家储蓄水平,以及规模庞大的经常账户赤字。

    Like the US , the UK has had buoyant credit growth , huge rises in house prices , low private and national savings and a sizeable current account deficit .

  6. 作为私人资本参与国家基础设施和公用事业项目的一种非常有效的方式,BOT模式自1984年提出以来便开始世界范围内得到了广泛的应用。

    As an effective way for private capital participating in the national infrastructure and public utility projects , BOT mode has been widely used in the world since 1984 when it was proposed firstly .

  7. 从私人药房到国家结核病控制规划的可疑结核病人转诊:越南胡志明市两个区的经验

    Referring TB suspects from private pharmacies to the National Tuberculosis Programme : experiences from two districts in Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam

  8. 合作社是农民私人利益和国家利益相结合的合适程度(最好形式);

    It is the suitable degree of the best form to combine the - farmer 's private interests and the state 's interests ;

  9. 中华抢救流失海外文物专项基金表示,蔡铭超代表该基金参与了拍卖。该基金的资金来源为私人捐赠和国家补贴。

    The lost artefacts fund , an organisation that finances itself from private donations and state subsidies , said Mr Cai had taken part in the auction on its behalf .

  10. 私人档案是国家档案资源的一部分,但是因为其特殊性和私密性,私人档案的管理与其他档案管理的方法有所不同。

    Private archives is one part of the national archival resources , but because of their particularities and privacy , private archives and other archives management is different from the normal method .

  11. 尽管私人行为的国家归责性遭到了诸多质疑,但在当时特定的背景下,还是得到了国际习惯法和国内法的认可。

    The liability regime of states liable for private actors is questioned by scholars , under the background of early time , it is recognized by international custom law and domestic law .

  12. 要进一步分析公共利益概念就必须厘清公共利益概念与相关的私人利益、国家利益、集体利益概念之间的区别和联系。

    To further analyze the concept of public interest , it is necessary to clarify the distinction and links of the concept of public interest with the relevant private interests , national interests and collective interests .

  13. 通过对基础设施进行投资,拉丁美洲、亚洲和泛中东地区的人民、私人企业以及国家都可为世界经济的“新常态”作出贡献。

    With investments in infrastructure , people , and private businesses , countries in Latin America , Asia , and the broader Middle East could contribute to a " New Normal " for the world economy .

  14. 只要农民享有的农地使用权、收益权权能是完全的,无论农地是私人所有还是国家所有,都不会对现代农业发展所需的要素投入产生决定性影响,不会阻碍现代农业的发展。

    So long as a completed farmland power of use and earnings farmers owned , however privately-owned or state-owned farmland , would not play a decisive influence on the inputs required in modern agricultural development even to hinder the development of the modern agriculture .

  15. 这项计划要用私人捐款基金取代国家拨款捐助。

    The plan is to replace state funding donations with private .

  16. 私人资本主义取代了国家资本主义在主要产业中所占的主导地位;

    The leading role of state capitalism in the main industries was replaced by private capitalism .

  17. 促使韩国教育如此优异的绝大部分费用都是来自私人,而不是国家拨款。

    An unusually large part of the spending that makes Korean education so good is private , not public .

  18. 如果没有私人资金为这些国家提供医疗、教育和卫生服务,就不会有人提供了。

    If private money does not provide medical , educational and sanitation services in those countries , no one will .

  19. 美国是世界上少数允许私人拥有枪支的国家之一,这源于美国从殖民地时期便形成的枪支文化。

    America is one of countries that allowed people to own guns , which originated from gun culture of colonial times .

  20. 明确界定公共利益,对于保护公民私人财产,防止国家滥用征收权具有重要的意义。

    Clearly define the public interest , private property for the protection of citizens against the abuse of power charge is significant .

  21. 如今欧盟却提议将债权人和债务人之间的私人问题提高到国家层面,使它们成为国家之间公开讨论的一部分。

    The EU is now proposing to elevate private problems between creditors and debtors to a state level , making them part of a public debate between countries .

  22. 在西班牙这些私人部门债台高筑的国家,私人部门的借贷和支出不太可能出现复苏。

    Countries suffering from private sector debt overhangs , such as Spain , are unlikely to see a resurgence in lending , borrowing and spending in the private sector .

  23. 在私人部门借债的国家(比如爱尔兰和西班牙),资产泡沫的破灭导致财政赤字一飞冲天。

    Where the private sector had done the borrowing ( as in Ireland and Spain ) , the bursting of the asset bubble caused a huge surge in fiscal deficits .

  24. 在其自身基本矛盾的推动下,它经历了自由资本主义、私人垄断资本主义、国家垄断资本主义阶段,目前处于国际垄断资本主义阶段。

    Promoted by its inherent contradictions , it has experienced the stages of free capitalism , private monopoly capitalism , national monopoly capitalism , and has reached the stage of international monopoly capitalism .

  25. 项目出资方来自20多个公共和私人实体,包括国家政府、身家上亿的慈善家、投资基金经理以及科技公司的首席执行官。

    The fund will be fed by a group that spans more than two dozen public and private entities -- including national governments , billionaire philanthropists , investment fund managers and tech CEOs .

  26. 现在,老挝已形成有自然或半自然经济、小商品经济、私人资本主义经济、国家资本主义经济(公私合营)和社会主义经济(国营)5种经济成份并存的经济结构。

    The party proceeded to adjust policy and Laos have already become to have the nature or half nature economy , small merchandise economy , private capitalism economy , national capitalism economy and socialism economic , totally 5 economic compositions .

  27. 本文的理论创新点在于提出了一组关于国家和村民互动模式,它们分别是基于乡村内部的私人领域,基于国家范畴的公共领域和国家-乡村交织在一起的共生领域。

    The theoretical innovation of this paper is to propose a set of interaction patterns on the nation and the villagers . They are the private sector based on the country , public areas based on nations and symbiosis areas which state-rural are intertwined .

  28. 近代以来,资本主义工商业的发展使个人利益、私人利益与政治国家利益之间的矛盾日益暴露出来,这导致了人们更倾向于从个人或私人利益的立场出发来理解和确认公共利益问题。

    Since modern times , capitalist industry and commerce made the conflict among individual interests , private interests , nation interests appear time and time , which reduce to incline to conform and justify the understanding the question of public interest from the position of individual or private interest .

  29. 保守党反对社会的巨大变革,赞成私人企业,主张私人企业不受国家的控制,在国内维护秩序和权威。在对外关系方面,维护民族利益。

    The Conservatives are opposed to great changes in society , they uphold private enterprise and freedom from state control , and they stand for the maintenance of order and authority at home and the protection of the national interest in foreign relations .

  30. 宗教文化被世俗文化所取代,私人从教堂中解放了出来,私人领域也从国家中分离了出来。

    As a result , religious culture is replaced by worldly culture ; individuals are released from churches ; personal sphere is separated from the state .