
  • 【法】international legal relation
  1. 存托凭证法律关系是一种信托关系,具有涉外性,本质上属于国际商事法律关系。

    DR legal relation is one kind of Trust relation concerning foreign affairs .

  2. 传统、僵硬、机械的国内法在调整国际商事法律关系方面显得愈来愈捉襟见肘、力不从心。

    However , the traditional , rigid and mechanical domestic laws have become unable to regulate the international commercial legal relationship well .

  3. 二战以后,随着科学技术和社会经济的飞速发展,经济全球化趋势不断加强,国际商事法律关系变得越来越复杂。

    After World War II , with the rapid development of the science and technology as well as the social economy , the economic globalization has continued developing . In this case , the international commercial legal relationship has tended to be more complex .

  4. 在不断发展的国际民商事法律关系中,国际商事惯例在国际商事活动中的作用日趋重要。

    International usages are more and more important in continuously international civil and commercial legal relationships .

  5. 也是由于海商法的涉外性与国际性,法律关系特别复杂,所以,其法律准据法的适用也就呈现开放性的特点。

    Also because maritime law relates to foreign affairs and foreign nationals , its juridical relation is very complicated , so the applicability of its legal applicable law presents open characteristics .

  6. 冲突法作为调整国际民商事法律关系、解决国际民商事纠纷的法律,也当以正义为追求目标。

    Conflict of laws as a basis for adjusting the International Commercial Law public relations , settlement of international disputes in civil and commercial laws , also works as take justice as pursue goal .

  7. 其次具体阐述了受托人在国际债券信托法律关系中应承担的义务,从而论证受托人在国际债券信托制度中的重要地位。

    The paper first makes a comparison between the trustee and the financial deputy , then states the trusteeship of the trustee in international bond trust system , thus pointing out the important function of the trustee .

  8. 国际旅游合同法律关系的繁杂与扩张性要求由具备灵活、开放、富有弹性的冲突法予以调整,而机械、保守的传统冲突法理论难以当此任。

    The complex and extending of the international travel contract legislative relation required the adjustment of the facile , open , and bounding conflict of the law , while the mechanical , conserved traditional theory hardly satisfied this needs .

  9. 为此目的,有必要分析国际旅游合同法律关系所涉及的各种关键因素,以助于人们认识其本质,分辨国际旅游合同存在的特殊性。

    For this aim , it is necessary to analysis the various elements of the international travel contract legislative relation and state the contained interests to help the people to realize their essence and clarify the special points of the international contract .

  10. 香港与世界各国、各地区和各有关国际组织的法律关系和香港的国际法律地位,主要是通过适用于香港的各种国际条约和协定体现出来。

    The legal relation between Hong Kong and the nations and regions all over the world and the international organizations concerned and the international legal status of Hong Kong are mainly embodied by means of applying all the international treaties and agreements .

  11. 第二部分,我国国际保理业务的法律关系研究。

    Part two is the study of the legal relationship of international factoring business in our country .

  12. 第一章对国际保理业务作出概述,第二章讨论了国际保理法律关系基础的几种学说,总结得出国际保理法律关系基础为债权让与。

    Chapter I makes outlines of international factoring , Chapter II discusses the legal basis of international factoring between several theories , concluding that the legal basis of international factoring is the assignment of the claims .

  13. 本文指出根据国际投资条约实际上在投资者与东道国之间形成了国际公法法律关系,亦即投资条约法律关系。

    In this paper , it is pointed out that in the light of international investment treaty , a de facto legal relation of an international-public-law nature has been established between the investor and the host country .

  14. 国际法作用于国际社会依赖于其效力,即国际法律关系主体对国际法原则、规则、规章和制度的遵守。

    The function of international law on the international community depends on its effect , i. e. the observing of international law principle , regulation , regulations and system by the main bodies of international legal relation .

  15. 本文以比较法学的研究方法,通过对两大法系中国际商事代理的发展历程的回顾和对不同规定的比较,剖析国际商事代理法律关系各要素;

    This paper analyze all parts of the relations of international commercial agent by reviewing the development of international commercial agent in two law traditions and the differences between the rules of them .

  16. 本文在研究国际代理制度的基础上,结合国际船舶代理的特殊性,较为详尽的论述了我国国际船舶代理法律关系,并为进一步完善我国该方面的立法进行了一些有益的探讨。

    In this paper , the author has discussed the legal relationship of international shipping agency and has made an attempt to improve China 's legislation in this respect on the basis of the study of international shipping agent systems by taking into consideration the peculiarity of international shipping agent .