
ɡuó jiā ɡuǎn xiá quán
  • state jurisdiction
  1. 通过对英美法系国家管辖权冲突问题解决方式的比较分析,我们可以发现它们的立法及司法实践中有扩大本国的管辖权的趋势。

    Through the comparative analysis on the disputes resolution arising from Cross-boarder Equity Transfers in English legal system , we noticed that such jurisdiction are in a trend expanding their domestic jurisdiction form their legislation and adjudication .

  2. 国家刑事管辖权是指国家管辖犯罪的权力。

    The state 's criminal jurisdiction is the power to punish crime .

  3. 第三部分,国家刑事管辖权的性质。概言之,国家行使管辖权的性质就是国家主权在惩罚犯罪领域的具体表现。

    Part 2 refers to the definition of the national criminal jurisdiction .

  4. 国家刑事管辖权法定论

    On the State 's Criminal Jurisdiction Stipulated by Law

  5. 试论国家税收管辖权及其冲突之协调

    On Coordination of Conflict and National Jurisdiction of Taxation

  6. 本文重点论述跨国电子商务下国家税收管辖权相关法律问题。

    This paper emphasizes on the related legal problems of the jurisdiction for taxing E-commerce .

  7. 国家刑事管辖权研究

    Study on National Criminal Jurisdiction

  8. 国家海上管辖权是国家管辖权的重要部分,是国家主权在现代海洋法律制度下的新发展。

    National jurisdiction at sea is an important part of national jurisdiction and a new development of national sovereignty under modern law system of the sea .

  9. 所谓2,指的是由于两个或多个国家税收管辖权的交叉重叠,使得从事对外直接投资的跨国纳税人承受双重甚至多重征税的情况。

    Number " 2 " refers that transnational taxpayers of FDI bear double or multiple taxation due to the overlap of two or more counrties ' tax jurisdiction .

  10. 国家刑事管辖权是国家权力的一个具体体现,简言之就是国家采用立法、司法和行政方法管辖犯罪的权力。

    National criminal jurisdiction is a specific embodiment of national power , which is the power that country adopts legislative , judicial and administrative methods to control a crime in short .

  11. 《罗马规约》规定的国际刑事法院管辖权,既不同于国家刑事管辖权,也不同于国际特设刑事法庭和国际法院的管辖权。

    The jurisdiction of the ICC provided in the Roman Statute has a distinct character compared with the jurisdiction of national criminal litigation , and that of the prior International Criminal Tribunals .

  12. 将电子商务列入国际税收法律体制,尊重和巩固国家税收管辖权依然是不可动摇的前提,对现有制度和原则的任何改造都必须促进这一前提,而不能相反。

    It is still a firm precondition to rank E-commerce in the legal system of international taxing and to regard and strengthen the governmental Jurisdiction for Taxing , and any reorganization on current system and theory should promote this precondition , can 't be contrary .

  13. 电子商务的迅猛发展,向人们沿袭多年的传统税收体制、税收原则、税收要素以及国家税收管辖权等提出了冲击和挑战,网上贸易的税收流失问题日益突出。

    The rapid development of e-commerce , proposing assaulting and challenges , such as traditional tax revenue system , taxation principle , taxation key element and state revenues jurisdiction followed for many years to people , the tax revenue loss question of online trade is outstanding day by day .

  14. 由某个国家行使统治管辖权的水域。

    The water over which a nation exercises sovereign jurisdiction .

  15. 罗伯塔:如果我们就在这里犯罪,现在哪个国家会有管辖权?

    Roberta : So if we committed a crime right here , right now , which country would have jurisdiction ?

  16. 平行诉讼是由诉讼主体主动选择管辖法院引起的,本质上是两个或两个以上国家法院的管辖权冲突。

    Parallel proceeding has been one of the most important ways to resolve the disputes of jurisdiction between two court of different country .

  17. 但是,现在采法院地法主义的国家的离婚管辖权的扩大,使法院地法的适用并非总是合理的。这些国家应对离婚诉讼适用法院地法这一做法进行重新评价和审视。

    In cases of the parallel lawsuit of divorce , the judicial explanation of our country stipulates that the court of our country has always the right to administer .

  18. 有的国家认为普遍管辖权是打击和惩治国际犯罪的有力武器,其有效地填补了传统管辖的不足;有的国家对普遍管辖权采取排斥态度。

    Some countries believe the universal jurisdiction is a powerful weapon in the punishment of international crimes as well as making up the deficiencies of the traditional jurisdiction , some countries take rejective attitude toward the universal jurisdiction .

  19. 保护原则是一种决定国家行使刑事管辖权范围的标准,分别源于19世纪德国的国家保护主义,在现代国际法中是国家自卫权的体现;

    Protective Principle is one of the criteria for the decision of the space limits of criminal law , which bases on the defense ' right of Sovereignty in the international law and historically origin from Germany 's doctrine and Italian Middle Ages jurisprudence .

  20. 本条例第二条第(一)、(二)项所规定的水下文物属于国家所有,国家对其行使管辖权;

    The ownership of the underwater cultural relics specified in Paragraphs ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) of Article 2 of these Regulations shall reside in the state and the state shall exercise jurisdiction over them ;

  21. 它是由国家主权引申出来的一项国家属地管辖权,是沿海国管辖权在领海以外的扩大和延伸,是公海自由的一种例外。

    It is a national territorial jurisdiction extended out from national sovereignty , it is expansion and extension of coastal states territorial jurisdiction beyond territorial waters , it is an exception of high seas freedom principle .

  22. 第二部分是民事诉讼管辖权异议域外立法例考察,主要介绍了域外代表性国家,如法国、德国、美国的管辖权异议制度,并对域外代表性国家管辖权异议制度进行了评析。

    The second chapter is the extraterritorial legislation of the civil jurisdiction objection system , mainly introduces the system of the extraterritorial representative countries , such as France , Germany , and the United State , simultaneously analyzing the system of the extraterritorial representative countries .

  23. 理论方面主要是包括条约、习惯和一般法律原则在内的传统国际法对国家主权的限制;现实方面主要包括对国家领土管辖权和国家管辖权的限制。

    From the theoretic aspects this paper mainly introduces the restrictions on state sovereignty stem from treaties , customs and general principles of law . From the realistic aspects this paper mainly presents the restriction on countries territorial jurisdiction and judicial jurisdiction .

  24. 各主权国家为了共享经济全球化的成果,不得不在经济管理、治决策和国家管辖权等方面让渡部分主权。

    In order to share the achievement of economic globalization , the country have to transfer part sovereignty in economic management , policy decision and jurisdiction .

  25. 第二个主要例外国家从事侵权行为是近年来国际法理论和实践中最具争议的问题之一。作者重点研究了侵权行为的认定对国家侵权行为行使管辖权的要件。

    On the problem of states engaging in tortuous acts , the author mainly studies the determination of tortuous acts and the elements of exercising of jurisdiction over state tortuous acts .