
hǎi dào zuì
  • piracy;crime of piracy
  1. 首先,总结归纳了打击海盗罪的国际法规及联合国安理会的四项决议。

    First , summarized the piracy sin international regulations and four of the UN security council resolutions .

  2. 第四章阐述有效惩处海盗罪的法律建议,包括国际法建议以及国内法建议。

    The fourth chapter introduced effectively punishing the crime of piracy legislation suggestion , including international law legislation and domestic legislation suggestion .

  3. 论国际刑法中的海盗罪

    On the Pirate Crime of the International Criminal Law

  4. 明确划定并惩罚在公海上所犯的海盗罪与重罪以及违反国际法的犯罪行为;

    To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas , and offenses against the law of nations ;

  5. 10.界定并惩罚海盗罪、在公海所犯的重罪和违背国际公法的罪行;

    Clause 10 : To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas , and Offences against the Law of Nations ;

  6. 因此,如何完善打击海盗罪的国际法律制度是国际法学者共同面临的问题。

    Therefore , how to perfect the international legal system regard to combating pirates have become the common problems among the international law scholars .

  7. 同时对海盗罪管辖的新发展做出评论,并提出了完善的建议。

    At the same time , we give review about the new development of jurisdiction on the piracy and suggestions about how to improve .

  8. 综上所述,希望以上分析及建议对惩治海盗罪的发展有所裨益。

    To sum up , hope that the above analysis and recommendations have been helpful to the development of punishing the crime of piracy .

  9. 这篇文章就是着重论述国际法对海盗罪界定存在的不足,以及对这种不足提出自己的完善建议。

    This article focuses on the shortcomings of the international law which has defined the crime of piracy , and put forward my own proposals .

  10. 本文由前言、正文和结论组成,其中正文包括四章。第一章,首先简要叙述了海盗罪的界定,现代海盗犯罪的特点及危害。

    The main body included four chapters : Chapter one firstly states the legal definitions of piracy , the characteristics and harmfulness of the piracy .

  11. 因此,如何采取切实有效的措施惩治海盗罪,成为国际社会共同面临的问题。

    Therefore , how to take the practical effective measure to punish the pirate crime has become the problem which the international societies have to face together .

  12. 既然国家可以成为国际恐怖主义犯罪的主体,海盗罪又是国际恐怖主义犯罪的一种,对于这些严重的犯罪形式,道理上肯定应当加以严厉打击。

    Since the country can become the main body of international terrorism and the crime of piracy is a crime of international terrorism , and should certainly be the reason for these serious forms of crime , to crack down on .

  13. 本文分为引言、正文、结论三个部分,正文部分笔者将分四章进行阐述,主要内容如下:第一章海盗罪的概述,重点介绍了海盗罪的概念、历史发展、现状及其危害。

    In the text parts the author will expound four chapters , the main contents are as follows : The first chapter pirates , focusing on the overview of the concept , the pirates history , present situation and its harm .

  14. 第二章介绍对海盗罪惩治的国际公约。具体分析惩治海盗罪的国际法规范及其不足,并比较海盗罪与相近国际犯罪的区别。第三章分析惩治海盗罪的国内立法。

    The second chapter describes the punishment of the crime of piracy norms of international law legislation and judicial limits , analyzes the international law legislation used to punish the pirate crime and compares the differences between pirate crime and other similar international crimes .

  15. 案情审查主要适用于申请法律援助以作上诉的案件,但不包括涉及谋杀、叛国及暴力海盗行为等控罪而提出的上诉。

    The merits test is applied mainly in relation to applications for legal aid for appeal . however , it does not apply to an appeal involving a charge of murder , treason or piracy with violence .

  16. 第二章分析了各国关于海盗犯罪的国内法律规制状况并就各国海盗罪立法的内容、局限性以及进步性进行了评议。

    The second chapter analysis of the various countries ' about pirates crime situation and domestic legal regulation of the pirates all countries , sin legislation contents , limitations and the progressive appraised .

  17. 为了更好的打击海盗犯罪,保障各国航行安全,完善关于惩治海盗的国际立法尤其是国际社会完善对海盗罪的界定是很有现实意义的。

    In order to better combat piracy crimes , protect the national safety of navigation , and to improve the international law , especially the punishment of piracy crimes as the definition in relevant international legislation has very practical significance .

  18. 国际法上惩治海盗犯罪的重要法律依据是1982年的《联合国海洋法公约》,然而随着海盗犯罪的激增国际法对海盗罪的认定渐渐凸显了很多不足之处。

    An important legal basis for the punishment of piracy crimes in international law is the 1982 " United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea ," but with the surge of piracy pirate crimes the international law has been gradually highlighted many deficiencies .