
  • 网络Overseas Promotions
  1. 英文网站的搜索引擎优化及其海外宣传策略

    SEO for English - language web pages and website promotion

  2. 各家企业本身以及各种资金充沛的机构都投入资金,在海外宣传斯堪的纳维亚风格。

    The companies themselves , as well as various well-funded bodies , invest in promoting Scandinavian ideas abroad .

  3. 这与勒布朗在海外宣传他的纪录片“不止是一场比赛”,有着相同的主题。

    LeBron is overseas promoting his documentary ," More Than a Game ," which is about the same topic .

  4. 该会致力改进旅游设施、在海外宣传香港各名胜,并且就旅游业的有关事宜向政府提供意见。

    It promotes the improvement of visitor facilities , secures overseas publicity for the SAR 's attractions and advises the government on tourism-related matters .

  5. 第一个法语联盟创建于1883年,负有在海外宣传法语及法语国家文化的使命。中国孔子学院的使命也是宣传汉语和中国传统文化。

    The first Alliance Francaise was set up in1883 and has been entrusted with the task of promoting the French language and culture abroad-a task identical with that of Confucius Institutes .

  6. 我最近花了大量的时间在摄影棚拍照和接受各类采访,还有为大量即将到来的海外宣传和我的下一部剧集做准备!

    Recently , I 've been spending most of my time in the photo studio taking photo shoots and doing lots of interviews ! There 're also many up-coming overseas projects and preparation for my next drama !

  7. 李铁铮是北京林业大学宣传部部长,他说道,中国大学的结构性问题可能是低参与率背后的部分原因,许多中国大学宣传部并不负责海外宣传工作,李部长认为缺乏工作人员以及大学在此方面不予重视是其中原因。

    Structural issues may be partly behind the low participation . Li Tiezheng , head of the publicity department at Beijing Forestry University , said many publicity departments at Chinese universities are not responsible for overseas publicity work . Li citied a lack of staff members , as well as the low priority it is given by universities .

  8. 去年,微信斥资2亿美元用于海外广告宣传活动,旨在将微信推广至印度、南非、西班牙和意大利等很多市场。

    Last year , it spent $ 200 million on overseas ad campaigns to push WeChat into many markets including India , South Africa , Spain and Italy .

  9. 众所周知,随着中国旅游业的飞速发展,其宣传已远远置后,特别是在海外市场的宣传方面。

    As is known to all , with the rapid development of tourism in China , its promotion is lagging behind , particularly promotion in overseas market .

  10. 为便于公司的产品或服务在海外市场的宣传,很多企业在网上建立双语网站,介绍企业的产品和服务。

    Many enterprises put bilingual profiles on their website to introduce their products and services in hope of expanding business into western markets by making the enterprise known to foreign customers .

  11. 该理论强调翻译以目的为总则,汉语旅游文本的英译目的显然是为了实现跨语言文化交际,吸引更多的海外游客,宣传中国的景观和文化。

    The theory is function-oriented , which emphasizes the communicative functions of the target texts . The English translation of Chinese tourist texts has the function of promoting Chinese culture and attracting more foreign visitors .

  12. 在横向维度上,分裂主义势力的海外活动网络以宣传和破坏为手段,向外部势力及散居者寻求同情和支持。

    From horizontal dimension , the chief means of overseas network of separatism force are propaganda and destruction , the aim of which is to win sympathy and support from foreign powers and diaspora .

  13. 该科辖下的海外公共关系组负责统筹政府海外宣传工作。

    Its Overseas Public Relations Sub-Division co-ordinates the government 's international publicity efforts .

  14. 海外事务组策划和推行海外大型宣传活动和节目。

    The Overseas Projects Sub-division plans and implements major promotions and festivals abroad .