
hǎi shānɡ fǎ xué
  • maritime jurisprudence;science of maritime law
  1. 目前海商法学界对海上侵权还未有系统的研究。

    But there is no systematic study on maritime tort law yet .

  2. 本文研究的角度主要从国际海商法学,特别是有关提单的法律部分出发。

    This papers mainly research from The International Maritime Law , especially from the Bill of Lading .

  3. 海上货物承运人的识别问题,历来是国际海商法学界关注的课题,也是司法实践中公认的难题。

    The issue of identity of carrier under carriage of goods by sea is a traditional difficult problem in theory and practice of maritime law .

  4. 由于我国立法对海上保险中保证制度规定的不完善,国内海商法学界对保证的相关法律问题展开了热烈的讨论。

    In view of the defect of the Chinese legislation of warranties , the Chinese maritime law scholars were engaged in a fierce discussion about it .

  5. 油污损害赔偿问题一直是近年来国际海事立法和中国海商法学者所关注的重要课题。

    The issue of the compensation for the oil pollution damages from ships is a hot topic for the international maritime law research and Chinese scholars of maritime law .

  6. 船舶扣押和涉外海事诉讼管辖是两个为海商法学界广泛研究的问题,每个领域都取得了丰硕的研究成果。

    In the academic circle of maritime law , Arrest of ships and Foreign-related maritime jurisdiction are both extensive researched issues , and each of these areas has achieved fruitful research results .

  7. 提单一直都是海上货物贸易的关键,在航运实务中产生的各种与提单有关的纠纷也是海商法学界关注的焦点。

    Bill of lading is the key of contract of carriage of goods by sea . The various disputes related to bills of lading are the focus of maritime law in the shipping practice .