- 网络Erin

Erin just found out that her ancestors have come from Scotland , not Ireland .
Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO_2 and Temperature on Coniferous Forest and Perspectives to Study on the Subalpine Coniferous Forest in Western Sichuan
Mingling of Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests in Tianmu Mountain Based on Voronoi Diagram
Some plants belonging to Pinus are important species which formed large area conifer forest in China and the pollens resources is very rich .
The relationships between the distributions of forest limit and subarctic coniferous trees and WI were examined in detail .
The simulations for future climate scenarios projected by general circulation models ( GCM ) with doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration predicted that deciduous broadleaf forests would increase , but conifer forests , shrubs and grasses would decrease .
This paper studied the size structure and formation pattern of gaps and the characteristics of gap makers ( GM ) in subalpine dark coniferous forests in Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve , Sichuan Province , China .
The density of the broad-leaf saplings is 5265 trees / hm  ̄ 2 , and the Chinese fir stand in small group can be returned to ever-green stand after it is clear cut ;
The method to develop evergreen broad-leaved forest is probed through the research on evergreen broad-leaved forest . Papermaking Performance of Hardwood BCTMP and Bleached KP
Maximum fluorescence yield Fm performance that coniferous forest is less than the mixed forest and less than the needle . There was a significant difference between the needle leaf mixed forest , coniferous forest and broad-leaved forest respectively .
The main cover is the broadleaf forest on red soil of basaltic rock and limestone type , the mixed forest on red soil of metamorphic rock , silt sandstone and Q2 type , and the conifer forest onred soil of granite type in South china .
Andrew Jennings , a British journalist who has long been a thorn in FIFA 's side , aired further claims of pockets lined and sins covered up in a BBC documentary on May 23rd .
Non_ capillary capacity of evergreen broadleaf forests was more than 100 mm , but was less than 100 mm in the cold_temperate / temperate deciduous broadleaf and evergreen coniferous forests .
The relationship between species diversity and altitudinal gradient for evergreen broad-leaved forests in Simian mountain , Chongqing of China was studied by the combination of DCCA ordination and altitude ordination .
A-1 . Regional forest biomass mainly distributes on the verge of Pearl River Delta , among which the biomass of Pinus massoniana and evergreen broadleaved forests is 52.18 % of the gross amount .
The study area could be assigned into Semi-humid Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest ( 2100 ~ 2300m ) and Mid-Mountain Humid Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest ( 2400 ~ 2600m ) .
The variation patterns of species diversity in evergreen broad-leaved forests in the Jinyun Mountain were studied and the relationship between soil factors and species diversity was analyzed using detrended canonical correspondence analysis ( DCCA ) method .
In this paper , the relationship between the plant community distribution and the environment of the evergreen broad leaved forest in Simian Mountain , Chongqing , was investigated with the methods of NMDS ordination .
Based on the data of the initial investigation and reexamination of the natural ever green broad leaved forest for forest resources checking , this paper analyzed the dynamic of the natural ever green broad leaved forest during 11 years .
The DBH of most gap makers in dark coniferous forest in Changbai Mountain is between 20 and 40 cm , which accounts for 61 percent of total gap makers , within which spruce have a leading function in the formation of gap .
During 14000 ~ 9000aBP the vegetation in the Basin was conifer and broad-leaves forests dominated by Pinus and grassland . In some high mountains , there was coniferous forest composed of Abies and Picea , the climate was cool and wet .
Floristic characteristics and geographic distribution of coniferous forests in Hunan Province
There are 5 main Formation classes of vegetation : ⅰ .
Ordination of Evergreen Broad - leaved Forests in Jinyun Mountain
The habitat was a spicebush stand amidst a red maple forest .
Cluster analysis of evergreen broad - leaved forest in Guangxi
Quantitative classification and ordination of coniferous forests in Taibai mountain
It was showed that wall-rock had a strong alteration .
A simi-evergreen broad-leaf forest on the south slope of the eastern Himalayas
Growth dynamics of dominant tree species in dark coniferous forests on Gongga Mountain