
  1. 在一个叶蓬生长过程中,茎和叶柄横切面上初生乳管的数目在芽萌动至叶古铜期期间迅速增加,到叶淡绿期增长基本停止。

    In a growth flush of shoot , the laticifer number in the transections of the stem and petiole increased rapidly during the period from bud germination to bronze & coloured leaf appearance , and stopped increasing when the leaves became light green .

  2. K高效利用的优株为:茎粗,株高,叶片SPAD值,叶面积,叶蓬距;叶片养分性状为P含量,K含量,N含量。

    Of the K highly effective use was : stem diameter , height , the value of leaf SPAD , leaf area and leaf-umbrella distance ; among the leaf nutrient character was the P content , the K content and the N content .