
  1. 植物生长调节剂对花叶开唇兰原球茎增殖和分化的影响

    Influence of Plant Growth Regulator on Multiplication and Differentiation of Anoectochilus roxburghii Protocorm

  2. 一次风机电流与动叶开度不匹配原因分析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure for Mismatch Between Adjustable Vane Opening with Current of Primary Fan

  3. 花叶开唇兰营养体的结构

    The structure of Nutritive Body in Anoectochilus roxburghii

  4. 降碱灵对白肋烟上部叶开片及主要化学成分的影响

    The Effect of Nornicotine Quick on the Upper Leaf Unfolding and the Major Chemical Composition

  5. 影响花叶开唇兰原球茎与丛生芽形态建成、生根与移栽因素的试验研究

    Factors Influencing Shape Building of Protocorm and Cespitose Bud , Rooting and Transplanting of Anoectochilus roxburghii

  6. 结果表明不同株型品种叶片角度与枝梗数存在一定的相关性,其中:沈农606剑叶基角和剑叶开张角与一次枝梗数呈负相关;

    The result indicated that there was negative relationship between the angle of flag leaf and primary branches of Shennong 606 ;

  7. 金装持续原始配方可提高黑色的光泽度。一次风机电流与动叶开度不匹配原因分析与对策

    Gold Class Endurance Original formula leaves a dark satin matte finish . Analysis and Countermeasure for Mismatch Between Adjustable Vane Opening with Current of Primary Fan

  8. 旗叶开张角遗传受环境条件影响,第一年为加性-显性-上位性模型遗传,第二年为加性-显性模型遗传;

    The inheritance of open angle of flag leaf was affected by environment , fit additive-dominance-epistasis model in first year , fit additive-dominance model in second year ;

  9. 三峡电厂左岸机组在过速实验的关机过程中,当活动导叶开度约为4%,转速约为73rpm时,机组出现了强烈的异常振动现象。

    A strong abnormal vibration happened during the over-speed test on the Three Gorges left bank hydropower station . When vibration occurs , the opening of the guide is about 4 % and the rotational speed is about 73 rpm .

  10. 导叶开度对水轮机的效率有一定的影响,在最优工况正背面压差最小,水力损失最小;偏离最优工况,压差和水力损失都会增加。

    The guide vane opening could affect efficiency , the pressure difference between positive and back of guide vane is minimum in optimum operating condition , and also the hydraulic loss . And in any other conditions , the pressure difference and hydraulic loss will increase .

  11. 旗叶长、旗叶宽、旗叶面积、穗平均芒长均与穗粒重呈显著正相关;旗叶开张角、披垂度与穗粒重呈显著负相关。

    The flag leaf length , width , area and mean awn length per spike were found to be significant positive correlation with grain weight per spike , the blade angle and bend degree of flag leaf to be significant negative correlation with grain weight per spike ;