
shí fèng
  • Stone crevice;swallet
石缝[shí fèng]
  1. 他用锤子把楔子砸入石缝里。

    He hammered the wedge into the crack in the stone .

  2. 一条小溪沿着石缝汩汩地流过来。

    A stream came bubbling between the stones .

  3. 他们像蜥蜴一样逃进了石缝。

    They fled like lizards into crannies in the rocks .

  4. 从铺路石缝隙间长出的植物恰好营造出乡间农舍花园小径的感觉。

    Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path .

  5. 很多勇士都想把石缝中的剑拔出。

    Many worthy Knights tried to pull the sword from the stone .

  6. 松树的树根在石缝间扎下去。

    The root of the pine tree worked down between the stones .

  7. 这条狗在石头下面和石缝中间嗅来嗅去,玩得很开心。

    The dog was having a wonderful time , sniffing beneath stones and into crevices .

  8. 雨季长达六个月,雨水渗入石缝中。

    The rainy season lasts for six months and water gets in among the stones .

  9. 它生活在石缝里、山泉边,大名叫石蟹。

    Stone crab is its proper name .

  10. 就是挂在高高的石缝中,也会享受着阳光,盈盈地笑着。

    Even being hung in the air * They are happily smiling and enjoying the day .

  11. 至于那瓦罐的碎片,嵌进石缝里一撬就碎了,经过一小时白费力气的辛苦以后,他住手了。

    The fragments of the jug broke , and after an hour of useless toil , he paused .

  12. 庇皮诺第一个从这条石缝里钻了进去,但走了几步之后,地道就开阔起来了。

    Peppino glided first into this crevice ; after they got along a few paces the passage widened .

  13. 在北京地区,斜斑鼓额食蚜蝇以交配过的雌成虫在深石缝中越冬。

    In Beijing area , naturally occurring scaeva pyrastri overwinters as mated female adult in deep stone crevices .

  14. 金头闭壳龟主要栖息在水质清澈、两侧植被茂密或一侧山脚多石缝的山涧溪流中。

    The golden-headed box turtle inhabit in the rivulet with the dense vegetation and the slot of the stone .

  15. 丝质卵囊可能被藏在植物或石缝中,或被埋在地下。

    Silken egg sacs may be hidden in vegetation , or in crevices , or buried in the ground .

  16. 魔鬼又来了,见到除了残茬外,他又一无所获,气得转身就走,顺着石缝钻了进去。

    When the devil came he found nothing but the stubble , and he angrily disappeared into a chasm in a cliff .

  17. 用辐射测量鉴定年代的方法,萨格登测定那些灰烬是810万年前火山爆发后沉积在石缝中的。

    Using radiometric dating methods , Sugden determined that the ash settled into the fissure after a volcanic eruption 8.1 million years ago .

  18. 生境与生态:生于山地和海边灌丛、竹林或石缝中。花、果期:3-9月。

    Habitat and ecology : growing in thickets , bamboo groves and stone crevices on hill-slopes or near seasides . flowering & fruiting : mar. - sept.

  19. 在我们站着的峭壁的边缘长着一棵巨大的白栎树,树根深深的扎进岩石缝了。

    Standing beside us on the edge of that cliff grew a big white oak tree , with its roots sunk deep down into the rock .

  20. 它们大多生存于洞穴、石缝中,这样的生活习惯能够帮助抵御辐射以及放射性尘埃,进一步增加它们的生存比率。

    They are often found in burrows are crevasses , which offers some physical protection from radiation and fallout and increases their survival odds even further .

  21. 二十人待在街垒里,六个埋伏在阁楼和二楼,从石缝中射击进攻者。

    Six ambushed in the attic windows , and at the window on the first floor to fire on the assailants through the loop-holes in the stones .

  22. 贝壳、海藻、海葵和那岩石缝里的小螃蟹,都非常好玩。可是,在口渴难当的时候,你就对它们不感兴趣了。

    Shells and seaweed and anemones , or tiny crabs in rockpools , are all very well , but you soon get tired of them if you are thirsty .

  23. 其实壁画是因为地下水从石缝中溶出,水中的钙质遇到空气中的二氧化碳形成碳酸钙凝聚在石壁上形成的。

    In fact , when the calcium of the groundwater from the dissolution of crevice encountered carbon dioxide in the air , they formed calcium carbonate on the stone wall .

  24. 看门的女人用一把旧刀,把门前被她称作是她的铺路石石缝里长出的青草除去,一边除一边嘟囔着

    The portress set to scraping away the grass from what she called her pavement , with an old knife , and , as she tore out the blades , she grumbled

  25. 种爬山虎的人,只要把爬山虎的“脚”放在石缝或裂缝中,再浇些水,就大功告成了。

    Kinds of creeper people , as long as the ivy 's " feet " on the crevice , or cracks , and then poured some water , I was done .

  26. 胜利油区下古生界有广泛的分布,其岩石缝、洞发育,并储集有丰富的石油资源,是油田勘探的重要目的层之一。

    Lower Paleozoic of Shengli petroliferous area is one of the important target strata in the oilfield exploration with wide distribution , developed rock fractures and caves and being rich in petroleum resources .

  27. 其适宜生境为灌木层发育良好,光照充足、水分适宜、土壤疏松、有机质丰富、排水良好、土质偏酸性的林隙或水沟石缝中。

    The well-developed shrub layer , sufficient light , water suitability , soil porosity , organic matter rich , well drained , acidic soil or ditch stone gap cracks are the suitable habitat .

  28. 铁凝夏天,我在庐山遇到一只小蟹。它生活在石缝里、山泉边,大名叫石蟹。

    On Mount Lushan this summer I adopted a little crab , the kind that lives in rock crevices and by the sides of the mountain springs . Stone crab is its proper name .

  29. 本产品能够承受较大的外力和弯矩,并可插入较硬结的泥土和石缝中,满足各种钓况的需求。

    The utility model can bear larger external force and bending moment , and can be inserted into harder soil and stone gap ; the utility model can satisfy the demand of various fishing condition .

  30. 在矮人被抓之后,比尔博不是一个可有可无的因素,而是用他的智慧尽可能拖延了食人妖,直到甘道夫从石缝中把食人妖变成了石头。

    Instead of being a non-factor after the dwarves are caught , Bilbo uses his wits to stall the trolls long enough for Gandalf to crack a rock and expedite the trolls ' transformation into stone .