
  • 网络PETROLEUM COKE;oil coke
  1. 石油焦炭既可用作初级燃料也可用作二级燃料。

    Petroleum coke can be used as either a primary or a secondary fuel .

  2. 我国石油资源紧缺,利用煤、石油焦炭/沥青、天然气等替代资源是一个发展方向。

    China is shortage in petroleum resources , making use of coal , petroleum coke / pitch and natural gas , etc. , as alternatives should be considered in the development planning .

  3. 流化床燃烧温度下N2O与石油焦焦炭多相反应动力学的热重研究

    Thermogravimetric studies on the heterogeneous reaction kinetics of petroleum coke char with nitrous oxide under temperature range of fluidized bed

  4. 本文论述了国外添加石油焦提高焦炭质量的研究动向。

    The research tendencies at abroad are reviewed on the production of metallurgical coke of high quality by addition of petroleum coke .