
  • 网络Hydrocracker Unit;HCU;MHC;SSOT
  1. 用PLC改进加氢裂化装置的联锁程序控制系统

    Using PLC improve interlocking control system on hydrocracking process

  2. 介绍了加氢裂化装置新氢压缩机HydroCOM气量调节系统的应用情况。

    The application situation of Hydro COM gas capacity regulation system of fresh hydrogen compressor in hydrocracking unit was recommended .

  3. CentumCS系统在加氢裂化装置中的应用

    Application of CENTUM CS in Hydrogen Cracking Unit

  4. 针对重油加氢裂化装置的工艺特点,介绍利用专家控制系统实现PID参数整定和进料提降量精确控制的方法。

    Based on the craft characteristics of RHCU , introduce the method of the specialist control system realizing the PID tune and the accurate control of the import material liftingfalling .

  5. 应用RBI开展高压加氢裂化装置风险检验

    Development of Risk Inspection According to RBI in High Pressure Hydrogenation Cracking Set

  6. 主要介绍了Honeywell公司TPS控制系统在加氢裂化装置中的应用。

    The application of TPS system of Honeywell Company in the hydrogenation and cracking plant is introduced .

  7. 中国石化集团齐鲁石油化工公司胜利炼油厂1.40Mt/a加氢裂化装置高压分离器D405存在设备制造问题,现场调查和介质环境的跟踪分析表明,D405设备腐蚀环境为碱性湿H2S环境。

    , Ltd. has fabrication defects . The site investigation and analysis of operating media show that the equipment service environment is alkali wet H_2S corrosion environment .

  8. 1.4Mt/a加氢裂化装置加工焦化蜡油生产技术总结

    Summary on Production Technology of 1.4Mt/a Hydrocracking Plant Processing Coker Gatch

  9. HC-K、3824、3823催化剂在工业加氢裂化装置上的应用

    Commercial application of hc-k , 3824,3823 catalysts in a hydrocracker

  10. 1.4Mt/a加氢裂化装置的开工及运行

    Startup and Operation of Qilu 1.4Mt/a Hydrocracking Plant

  11. GW-101型硫化亚铁钝化剂在加氢裂化装置上的应用

    Application of GW-101 ferrous sulfide passivator in hydrocracking unit

  12. 考察了加氢裂化装置高压空冷器加工高硫原油后出现的腐蚀问题,并进行了加注SYDY-101加氢裂化阻垢缓蚀剂的工业试验。

    The corrosion happened on the high-pressure air cooler of the hydrocracking unit when processing sour crude was investigated , and corrosion inhibitor SYDY-101 was added for solving the problem .

  13. TS3000系统在加氢裂化装置紧急泄压联锁系统上的应用

    Application of TS 3000 in the Emergency Pressure Release

  14. 其中,反应流出物空冷器(REAC)及相连管道的普遍性失效问题,已成为制约加氢裂化装置安全运行的关键因素。

    Failures of the reaction effluent air cooler ( REAC ) and the connected pipelines have been the major obstacle to safe operation of the hydrocracking unit .

  15. 指出中国石化股份有限公司茂名分公司加氢裂化装置喷气燃料银片腐蚀试验不合格的原因主要是由油品中元素硫、H2S含量超标引起的。

    The main reason of the silver-strip test unqualified of the jet fuel produced from the hydrocracker in Maoming Petrochemical Company was due to the elemental sulfur and hydrogen sulfide contents were higher than the standard .

  16. 结合加氢裂化装置目前的实际情况,分析了装置加工高含硫原料油后生产可能出现的分馏塔顶系统设备管线H2S腐蚀问题,提出了相应的对策措施。

    Hydrogen sulphide ( H2S ) corrosion of equipments and tubes of depentanizer column is analyzed based upon the fact that an increasing amount of sulfur crude oil is being processed . The corresponding protection measure is suggested .

  17. XGF-2阻垢剂在加氢裂化装置上的工业应用

    Industrial application of xgf-2 antifoulant in Hydrocracker

  18. 某东北石化加氢裂化装置建设项目于去年开建,该装置采用一段串联加氢裂化工艺技术,加氢精制和裂化催化剂分别选用UOP公司开发的催化剂。

    Petrochemical hydrocracking unit project was completed in August last year , the device use a series hydrocracking technology , and hydrotreating and hydrocracking catalyst were developed by UOP .

  19. 本文结合实例介绍了TS3000系统在加氢裂化装置紧急泄压联锁上的应用过程。

    This paper introduces the application of TS3000 in the emergency pressure release interlock system for hydrocracking unit by the example .

  20. 介绍新建1.4Mt/a加氢裂化装置的开工、运行情况以及装置两次满负荷的标定结果。

    Presents the startup , operation and calibration results of twice full load operation of the newly-built 1.4 ? Mt / a hydrocracking plant .

  21. 详述了GW-101型硫化亚铁钝化剂的性质特点以及在扬子石化加氢裂化装置的应用情况。

    The characteristic of type GW-101 ferrous sulfide passivant and its application instance in hydrogenation cracking plant in YPC were described in detail .

  22. FS-3井异常高温储层压裂改造技术加氢裂化装置高压空冷器风机的改造

    Application of fracturing technology in the abnormal high temperature reservoir of the well FS-3 Revamping of Fans of High-pressure Air-cooled Heat Exchanger of Hydrocracker

  23. 为了满足这类新提出的要求,采用来自燃料油加氢裂化装置塔底组分的VHVI基础油的配方可能比采用其他高质量基础油如PAO油的配方在成本上较为低廉。

    Formulations based on VHVI base oils from fuels hydrocracker bottoms may be more cost effective than other formulation based on the high quality base oils like PAOs to meet the recent requirements .

  24. 对加氢裂化装置加工高硫原油后的腐蚀情况进行了分析,重点分析了装置加工高含硫原料油后出现的分馏塔顶系统的设备、管线H2S腐蚀问题。

    This article analyzed the critical corrosion sections in the hydrocracking units caused by high-sulfur crude oil processing . The problem of H2S corrosion of depentanizer column overhead 's equipments and tubes was especially analyzed based on the actual fact of high sulfur-contained crude oil is being processed .

  25. 中国石油化工集团石油化工科学研究院针对以生产蒸汽裂解原料为目的产品的加氢裂化装置,在中压加氢裂化(RMC)技术的基础上成功开发了新型加氢精制催化剂RN-32及裂化催化剂RHC-1。

    Based on the RMC technology , Research Institute of Petroleum Processing ( RIPP ) has successfully developed two new catalysts for hydrocracking units which produce maximum unconverted oil as olefin feedstock .

  26. 减压蜡油单段一次通过加氢裂化装置(SSOT)是齐鲁石化公司胜利炼油厂从美国引进的大型加氢联合装置中的一组操作单元。

    Single-stage once through hydrocracker ( SSOT ) for decompressed waxy oil is a set of operation unit in ( large-sized ) hydrogenation combination units which was introduced from America by Shengli Design Institute of Qilu Petrochemical Company .

  27. 齐鲁石化公司新建1.4Mt/a加氢裂化装置的开工、运行以及两次满负荷的标定结果表明,单段串联一次通过加氢裂化工艺是成功的,各项主要指标达到了设计要求;

    The start up , running and the results of two test runs in full capacity of the newly built 1 . 4Mt / a hydrocracker in Qilu Petrochemical Company indicated that the single stage in series and once-through hydrocracking process was success and met the design demand .

  28. 加氢裂化装置扩能改造技术方案的选择

    Selection of technology schemes in capacity expansion revamping of hydrocracking unit

  29. 加氢裂化装置冷高压分离器控制系统的设置及其安全性

    Setting high pressure cold separator in hydrocracking unit and its safety

  30. 中压加氢裂化装置危险性分析及预防措施

    Hazard analysis of medium pressure hydrocracking unit and the preventive measures