
  • 网络Heating speed;rate of heating
  1. 本文通过XRD、DSC和SEM应用,研究了在不同温度、不同加热速度、不同保温时间、弛豫退火以及替代元素对合金晶化过程的影响。

    This article studied the influence of different heating temperature , different rate of heating , different time of heat preservation , relaxation annealing and element to the process of alloy crystallization by XRD , DSC and SEM .

  2. 讨论了在相变区的加热速度、奥氏体化温度及保温时间对奥氏体晶粒的影响。

    The influence of the rate of heating at phase transformation region , temperature of austenitizing and holding time on the austenite grains are studied .

  3. A(c1)温度以下加热速度对钢的组织遗传性影响

    Influences of Heating Rate under A_ ( c_1 ) of Steel on the Structural Inheritance

  4. 粒径与加热速度对金属Al氮化过程的影响

    Effect of Grain Size and Heating Rate on Nitridation Reaction of Metallic Aluminium

  5. 加热速度对Cu-Zn-Al-Mn淬火态合金马氏体逆相变的影响

    Effect of heating rate on the reverse martensitic transformation in a Cu-Zn-Al-Mn quenched alloy

  6. 退火加热速度对Fe-Cu-Nb(V)-Si-B纳米晶合金磁性的影响

    Influence of heating rate during annealing on magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe Cu nb ( v ) Si B alloys

  7. 结果表明化合反应是一种放热反应,放热量受Al含量、加热速度、粉末颗粒尺寸、压制密度等因素的影响。

    The results showed that the heat of synthesis reaction is affected by Al content , heat rate , powder size , compacts density and so on .

  8. 影响加热速度的主要因素是食品物料的电导率(电解质浓度)和pH值;

    The results show that the electrical conductivity of food material ( concentration of electrolyte ) and its pH value are the main factors that influence heating rate .

  9. 为了提高加热速度和温度控制精度,提出了阈值控制策略与自适应模糊PID控制相结合的控制算法。

    In order to improve dynamic and static performance of the temperature control system , a new method is proposed which combines threshold control with adaptive fuzzy PID control .

  10. 用四种C含量的U74轨钢,研究了加热速度对相变点的影响,测定了他们各自的连续冷却曲线,找出了四种材料欠速淬火后转变产物的硬度与冷却速度的关系。

    Four different C % U74 rail steels were studied . It studied the influence of heatingrate on the transformation temperature , tested the different C. C.

  11. 研究结果表明,BST薄膜的晶化行为强烈依赖于退火温度、退火时间和加热速度。

    The results show that crystallization behaviors of the BST thin film are strongly dependent on the annealing temperature , the annealing time and the heating rare .

  12. 研究了不同加热速度和温度对CuO/Al体系反应产物的影响,确定了CuO/Al体系的最佳合成温度为1000℃。

    Abstract In this paper , the effects of different heat speed and temperatures on the reaction products have been investigated in the CuO / Al system and the suitable synthetic temperature ( 1000 ℃) is obtained from the experiment .

  13. 介绍了在0.5t单电极直流电弧炉上所做的三电极直流钢包炉的电弧行为和加热速度的试验情况。

    The experiment on arc behavior and heating speed of three-electrode DC ladle furnace made on 0 . 5t one-electrode co arc furnace is introduced in this paper .

  14. 对神经网络以及B-P神经网络进行了简单的介绍和多方面的讨论,并应用B-P神经网络,把加热速度参数及局部收缩量作为输入输出的教师样本,建立了神经网络模型。

    Introduction and thorough discussion are made to neural network especially to B-P network . Based on the improved B-P network which is trained by the explanatory parameter together with the contract value , the neural network model is established .

  15. 对球化碳化物粒径、体积分数以及硬度三个性能指标进行了综合量化,从而得出实验用钢在800℃/h加热速度下的Aclf值(800℃)。

    Using the comprehensive quantization method , the three performance indexes of the dimension , the content of the residual carbide and the hardness were comprehensively assessed . The value of Aclf , 800 ℃, to the steel under the heating speeds of 800 ℃ / h was obtained .

  16. 加热速度对冷变形金属的再结晶织构具有很大影响。

    Heating rates greatly affect the recrystallization textures of cold deformed metals .

  17. 液态食品通电加热速度与电导率的关系

    Study on Relationship between Ohmic Heating Rate and Conductivity for Liquor Food

  18. 加热速度对煤气化反应性影响的机理

    Mechanism of Effect of Heating Speed on Coal Reactivity

  19. 加热速度快,控温精度高,热效率高。

    Fast heating , high precision of tempt control and high thermal efficiency .

  20. 聚晶金刚石的耐热性比单晶金刚石有较大提高,并且其耐热性受到加热速度、环境气氛的影响。

    The heat - resistance was affected by heating rate and environmental conditions .

  21. 含水果颗粒胶体溶液通电加热速度建模与工艺优化

    Ohmic Heating Rate Model and Process Optimization for Colloidal Solution with Fruit Granules

  22. 微波由于加热速度快、方便卫生等特点,其应用得到普及。

    Microwave cooking is popular for its fast , convenient and hygienic characteristics .

  23. 不锈钢发热盘,加热速度更快;

    Stainless steel heater makess a faster heating .

  24. 加热速度仅影响到等轴晶粒的均匀性;

    The heating rate only has influence on the uniformity of the crystal dimension .

  25. 节能型自身预热烧嘴,加热速度快,温差小;

    It is easy to be heating and less temperature difference by using self-preheat burner .

  26. 加热速度对煤的气化反应性的影响

    Effect of Heating Speed on Coal Reactivity

  27. 提高温度和加热速度可提高煤中氢的还原作用率和挥发分的利用率。

    Increasing temperature and heating speed , the reduction efficiency of H_2 and volatile utilization efficiency is raised .

  28. 本实用新型的电烤箱加热速度快,且热效率高。

    The electric oven of the unity model has the advantages of high heating speed and high heat efficiency .

  29. 影响细化效果的主要因素有:加热速度、保温时间、冷却速度和循环次数。

    The main factors that affect the grain refinement are heating and cooling rate , holding time and cycle index .

  30. 随着加热速度的增大,相变温度偏离平衡温度的趋势增大。

    The deviation of the transformation temperatures from the equilibrium temperature is higher with the increase of heating / cooling rate .