
  • 网络upper bainite;up bai-nite;upbai-nite
  1. 结果表明,上贝氏体和Si元素的晶界偏聚导致油缸变脆。

    The results show that upper bainite and grain boundary segregation of Si element result in embrittlement of the oil cylinder .

  2. 上贝氏体精细结构的研究

    A study on the fine structure of upper bainite

  3. Fe-C-Si合金上贝氏体碳化物析出源的研究

    The Investigation on the Source of Bainitic Carbide Precipitation in Fe-C-Si Alloy

  4. R相的形态类似于上贝氏体或魏氏组织。

    The morphology of R-phase is resemblance to upper bainite or Widmanstatten ferrite .

  5. 亚温等温复相组织中的贝氏体类似低温上贝氏体(BⅡ)。

    In the composite microstructure , the bainite appears to be a low temperature upper bainite ( B_ ⅱ) .

  6. 贝氏体分上贝氏体和下贝氏体。

    Bainite can be classified into upper bainite and lower bainite .

  7. 接合部组织由晶界铁素体及晶内上贝氏体组成。

    Themicrostructure of bonded zone consist of upper bainite and grain boundary ferrite .

  8. 上贝氏体转变与珠光体分解有着本质上的区别,但又有密切的联系;

    The upper bainite transformation has not only essential difference but also intimate relation with pearlite decomposition ;

  9. X&射线衍射证实,贝氏体为无碳化物上贝氏体。

    The bainite is carbide - free upper bainite phase which has been verified by X - ray diffraction .

  10. 上贝氏体在奥氏体晶界形核,随等温处理的温度降低,下贝氏体在奥氏体晶内形核。

    Upper bainite nucleated at austenite grain boundary , and with austempering temperature decreased lower bainite nucleated at grain inner .

  11. 低碳合金钢的中温转变组织主要有兰类,即粒状组织、上贝氏体和下贝氏体。

    Three types microstructures are formed at intermedium temperature in the low carbon alloy steels , that is granular structure , upper and lower bainite .

  12. 结果表明,低倍粗晶不仅是粗大奥氏体晶粒的宏观表现,还与一种特殊上贝氏体组织的存在有关。

    The results showed that both coarsed austenite grain and spoial upper-bonite structure formed during cooling down to the room temperature resulted in coarsed macro-grain .

  13. 结果表明:经880℃奥氏体化+320℃等温淬火处理,可获得上贝氏体/下贝氏体的混合组织。

    The results show that the upper bainitie / lower bainitic mixture matrix can be obtained under the condition : 880 ℃ Austeniting + 320 ℃ Austempering .

  14. 在避免烧穿的前提下增大焊接电流能够减小硬度、减少上贝氏体,从而降低氢致开裂敏感性。

    The increase of weld current can reduce the hardness and the content of upper bainite , and lower the sensibility of hydrogen cracking of the joints .

  15. 当贝氏体在片状石墨界面形核时,在石墨端部一般形成上贝氏体,侧面形成下贝氏体;

    When nucleated on the interface of flake graphite , upper bainites can be formed at the end of graphite and lower bainites on the both sides of the graphite .

  16. 对高强度镀锌钢板激光焊接接头的显微组织进行观测分类,发现焊接接头中包含了低碳马氏体,下贝氏体,上贝氏体,珠光体及铁素体等组织。

    The microstructure of laser welding joint of high strength galvanized steel was observed , it consists of martensite , lower bainite , upper bainite , similar pearlite , pearlite and ferrite .

  17. 上贝氏体由于形成温度高,生长前沿母相中形成的相变应变场容易被原子的热振动所松弛,导致纵向生长能力减小。

    Because of high formation temperature , transformation strain field in front of longitudinal growth tip of the upper bainitic plate is easy to be relaxed . As a result , the ability of longitudinal growth becomes weak .

  18. 又从动力学观点考虑,低碳马氏体的长大速率与上贝氏体的伸长速率相差达3&4个数量级,因此认为低碳马氏体的形成和贝氏体具有不同的机制。

    The growth rate of low-carbon martensite is 3 to 4 order of magnitude greater than that of upper bainite . It is more likely to conclude that the mechanism of the formation of lath martensite is not identical with that of bainite .

  19. 若低碳马氏体按上贝氏体形式长大,则计算所得其长大速率仅3×10~(-4)cm/s,比现有实验数据至少低2个数量级。

    Supposing that the growth of low-carbon martensite is analogous to that of upper bainite , we obtain the growth rate is only 3 × 10 ~ ( - 4 ) cm / s , at least two orders of magnitude lower than the available experimental data at present .

  20. 该钢经过900℃,0.5h奥氏体化后空冷,得到非典型上、下贝氏体和块状组织,各种组织中均存在残余奥氏体。

    The special upper and lower bainite and lump-like composite structure were obtained in the steel by air cooling after austenitizing at 900 ℃ for 0 . 5h .

  21. 用TEM研究了6-5-4-2高速钢经1250℃奥氏体化后于300及250℃等温形成的上、下贝氏体结构,所见两种贝氏体的最终形态都由亚片长大结合而成。

    TEM study on 6-5-4-2 High Steed Steel is conducted , thc structure of upper and lower bainites are formed isothermally at 300 and 250 ℃ after austenizing at 1250 ℃ . The final morphology of the two bainites formed result from the sub-plate growth and combination .

  22. 500MPa超细晶钢的强化方式应以细晶强化为主,配合相变强化和沉淀强化,显微组织应为在超细(3~5μm)的铁素体基体上分布适量的贝氏体。

    The strengthening mechanisms for 500 MPa ultra-fine grain steels should be grain refinement strengthening , transformation strengthening and precipitation strengthening .