
  • 【电工】gate controlled rise time
  1. 纳秒上升时间Q开关高压脉冲发生器的设计

    Design of Q-switching High Voltage Pulse Generators with Nanosecond Rise Time

  2. 根据光声脉冲传播一定距离后前沿上升时间的变化,测定了液体的B/A。

    From the variation of the rise time of photoacoustic pulse wavefront after a propagating a certain distance , the parameter B / A of liquid is determined .

  3. MOS电荷泵上升时间模型的建立

    The Rise Time Model of MOS Charge Pump

  4. PWM逆变器;长线电缆;反射;PWM脉冲上升时间;一阶RC电动机端滤波器;

    PWM inverter ; long motor leads ; reflection ; PWM pulse rise time ; first-order RC motor terminal filter ;

  5. 一种缩短CW脉冲前沿上升时间的AGC电路

    An AGC Amplifier with the Function of Shortening the Time Duration of CW Pulse Front Edge

  6. 本文讨论了平面、柱面和球面的波阵面的光声脉冲波的上升时间和传播距离的关系,并给出了相应的B/A的表达式。

    The relations between the rise-times of photoacoustic pulses with plane , cylindrical and spherical wave fronts and propagation distance are discussed and the corresponding expressions for B / A are given .

  7. 仿真结果表明:标准的H∞控制无论是在上升时间、超调量和鲁棒性方面都优于传统的PI控制方案。

    The simulation results for the proposed control scheme show that the standard H ∞ controller is better than the traditional PI scheme in rising time , overshoot and robustness .

  8. 在时间域中,利用地震记录中的振幅与上升时间信息可以计算出岩石介质的品质因子Q值。

    Seismic amplitude and rise time in time domain are commonly used for obtaining the attenuation coefficient or the quality factor ( Q value ) of the underground rock .

  9. 通过对双MCP级联技术的研究,研制出脉冲上升时间小于1ns,增益大于5×105的MCP光电倍增管。

    MCP photomultiplier was developed by use of the sandwich MCP cascade technology .

  10. 基于XGM波长变换系统中变换脉冲上升时间和脉冲宽度的研究

    The analyse pulse rising time and width in XGM wavelength conversion

  11. 本文分析了高温CMOS倒相器和门电路的瞬态特性,建立了它们的上升时间,下降时间和延迟时间的计算公式。

    This paper analyzes transient characteristics of high temperature CMOS inverter and gate circuits , and gives computational formulas of their rise time , fall time and delay time .

  12. 利用CΓC67实验装置测量了薄片PIN探测器及其二元和三元阵列的低能g射线灵敏度和上升时间。

    The measurement of a thin-layer PIN detector and its array sensitivity and risetime for g-ray by C Γ C67 system has been described in detail .

  13. 目的初步探讨压力支持通气(PSV)模式下不同吸气上升时间对人-机协调的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of different inspiratory rise time settings on patient-ventilator interaction during pressure support ventilation ( PSV ) .

  14. 异常SSC事件上升时间与行星际磁场方向关系不明显.L上的关系(?)

    There is no explicit relation between the rise time of the anomalous SSC events and the interplanetary field direction .

  15. 本文研究确定冲击电压测量系统方波响应时间T1时,实际方波的波前上升时间tf对测量结果带来的影响。

    This paper describes an investigation into the influence of rise time t_f of a practical step on the determination of response time T_1 when the unit step response method is used for a high voltage impulse measuring system .

  16. 实验表明:工作台上升时间仅10s左右,测量力设定误差小于6μN。

    Experiments show that the duration of the stage 's going up is only about 10 seconds , and the set deviation of the measuring force is less than 6 μ N.

  17. 文章推广了Wang氏RC梯形电路模型,对互连线阶跃响应上升时间与门电路参数的关系进行了仿真研究,给出了定量结果。

    With the extension of Wang 's RC ladder circuit model , simulations were executed on the relation between the rising time of step response of interconnect and the parameters of gate . The quantitative results were presented .

  18. 在Dickson模型的基础上,通过对电荷泵模型的动态分析,推导了MOS电荷泵的上升时间模型。

    Dynamics of the Dickson charge pump circuit have been analyzed . In this paper , the voltage rise time of MOS charge pump is modeled .

  19. 白光发光二极管(WLED,WhiteLight-emittingDiode),具有耐震、节能、寿命长、不污染、使用电压低、发光上升时间短等优点,有望成为第四代照明光源。

    White light-emitting diode ( W-LED ), with lots of excellent properties , such as energy saving , long lasting life , non-pollution , low applied voltage and fast startup , is to be the fourth era lighting lamp-house source .

  20. 实验记录了单个红宝石激光脉冲、连续CO2激光作用下多种组织的热响应过程,从辐照时间、温升峰值、上升时间等角度讨论了不同组织、不同条件下组织热响应的差异。

    Experimental results included the real thermal responses of several tissues under single ruby laser pulse and CW CO-2 laser . The thermal response difference was also discussed with variable duration time , temperature rise peak and rise time .

  21. 本文给出了一种在对CW(cosinewave)脉冲幅值做动态压缩的同时,能缩短CW脉冲前沿上升时间的AGC电路。

    An AGC amplifier is presented . When pressing the dynamic range of the amplitude of CW ( Cosine Wave ) pulse , it can shorten the time duration of front edge at the same time .

  22. 用数值模拟方法确定喷气Z箍缩的负载特性喷气Z箍缩的负载参数(如质量线密度及半径)必须和脉冲驱动源的电流(幅值和上升时间)相匹配。

    For a particular pulsed-power generator , i.e.with , fixed pinch current as well as its rise time , the Z-pinch load ( initial radius r 0 and line mass density m 0 ) should be optimized to maximize the X-radiation .

  23. 分析了脉冲形成电路参数对脉冲上升时间的影响,设计了一种集脉冲电容器、脉冲整形器、电容分压器和匹配负载为一体的ns级脉冲形成电路。

    The effect of pulse forming circuit on rising time is investigated and a coaxial pulse forming circuit composed of pulse capacitors , gaps switch , capacitive voltage divider and matched load is presented in this paper .

  24. 相对于常见的数字无线通讯系统,AIS工作频点特殊,无线频率稳定性,上升时间等参数指标都要求较高,使得这部分产品长期为进口厂家把持。

    Relative to the common digital wireless communication systems , AIS is strict with working frequency , frequency stability , rise time and other parameters , so it is dominated by the imported product enterprises .

  25. 电快速瞬变脉冲群(EFT)实验是微机保护装置最难通过的实验之一,主要原因是由于其上升时间快、重复频率高。

    The electrical fast transient ( EFT ) disturbance test is one of the most difficult tests , because it is a fast uprising , repetitive pulse group .

  26. 与传统的采用Miller电容的方法进行了比较,它不但提高了计算精度而且反映了延时随信号上升时间变化的规律。

    Compared with traditional Miller capacitance method , using the proposed concept , not only the computational accuracy can be improved , but the relationship between time delay and the rising-time of the signal can be found clearly .

  27. 控制器采用PID参数模糊自整定方法,充分发挥了其动态响应好、上升时间快、超调小的特点,具有较高的动态跟踪品质和稳态精度,并在实际应用中取得了较好的控制效果。

    This instrument adapts fuzzy parameter adaptive control method which can exert control characteristics such as good dynamic response , short rising time , small surplus and it possesses the dynamic track quality and steady precision . The instrument obtains preferable control effect at application in practice .

  28. 系统采用Fuzzy&PID控制方式控制水稻灌溉,它能发挥模糊控制鲁棒性强、动态响应好、上升时间快、超调小的特点,又具有PID控制器的动态跟踪品质和稳态精度。

    Rice irrigation control system controlled by Fuzzy-PID way , it can make a strong robust fuzzy control , better dynamic response characteristic , fast rise time , small overshoot , achieve the quality of dynamic tracking and steady-state precision which is the same as PID controller .

  29. 通过对Fibonacci型电荷泵上升时间的估算,对减小上升时间和动态功耗进行折中考虑,本文提出优化开关频率的方法。

    By estimation of the rise time of the Fibonacci like charge pump , an optimal switching frequency is suggested to make a compromise between the rise time and the dynamic power dissipation .

  30. 实验发现校准后眼图的张开高度、Q因子、上升时间、下降时间、峰峰抖动等参数改变明显,并且校准后的眼图与直接测试结果符合得很好。

    It is found that the corrected eye diagram fits the directly measured eye diagram very well and the corrected parameters , such as eye height , Q factor , rise time , fall time and peak-to-peak jitter , are very different from the uncorrected parameters .