
  • 网络Upper Brightness;Shangming town
  1. 因为画布上明黄色的涂料正慢慢转向泥泞。

    Because the bright yellow paints on the canvas are slowly turning .

  2. 你能看出他内心有愧,他脸上明明白白地写着呢。

    You could see he was guilty ; it was written all over his face .

  3. 宗教还会存在下去,只要它们避免发表那些事实上明摆有误的观点。

    Religions will survive so long as they steer clear of making statements that can be shown to be factually wrong .

  4. 在民间方面,洪太极拳,所提供的意见投降明朝官员,设立了一个简陋的官僚制度的基础上明政府模式。

    Onthe civil front , Hung Taiji , on the advice of surrendered Mingofficials , set up a rudimentary bureaucratic system based on the Mingmodel of government .

  5. 一九九零年在圆明讲堂上明下旸大和尚座下受三皈五戒,开始茹素念佛。

    In1990 , he became a Buddhist and vegetarian after taking Three Refuges and undertaking the adherence of the Five Commandments under Great Master Ming Yang , in Yuanming Temple in Shanghai .

  6. 第七十七条送达诉讼文书必须有送达回证,由受送达人在送达回证上记明收到日期,签名或者盖章。

    Article 77 A receipt shall be required for every litigation document that is served and it shall bear the date of receipt noted by the signature or seal of the person on whom the document was served .

  7. PPP(点对点协议)的实现链直积上的明聚点

    Implementation of PPP Ordinary Accumulation Point on Direct Product of Chains

  8. 能源审核-以下什麽项目要在法例上定明条件?

    Energy Audit-What items should be specified by legislation for Energy Audit ?

  9. 合同上订明用干透的木料。

    The contract stipulates for the use of seasoned timber .

  10. 石上之明,传奇之魂。

    Names in stone , spirits of legend .

  11. 通过对客户端和服务器之间的身份验证消息进行加密,它可以防止在网络上使用明文来传输密码。

    It prevents transmission of clear text passwords over the network by encrypting authentication messages between clients and servers .

  12. 那好,请在存款单上填明您的账号、姓名以及存款金额。

    Well , please write down your account number , your name and the amount on this deposit slip .

  13. 这样的话,雇佣合约上订明的地址不是我的地址,可以吗?

    In this case , the address specified in the employment contract is not my residential address , is this ok ?

  14. 并不是所有人都能在红毯上把明黄色礼服穿出格调来,但这在方面摩尔绝对称得上是专家。

    Not many people can pull off a bright yellow gown on the red carpet , but Moore is a pro .

  15. 受理机构直接送达的,必须有送达回证,由申请人在送达回证上记明收到日期、签名或者盖章。

    For direct service by an accepting institution , a receipt is necessary and the applicant shall date and sign or stamp on it .

  16. 乐观和悲观都是强大的力量,我们每个人都必须在这两者之间做出选择,从而给我们对未来的展望和预期染上或明或暗的色彩。

    Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces , and each of us must choose which we want to shape our outlook and our expectations .

  17. 因而,在文人化这一接合点上,明刊戏曲插图本形成了更为隐蔽、更加深刻的语-图互文。

    Thus , in the juncture of " literati ", a more hidden and profound " word-image " intertextuality of Ming Dynasty block-printed illustrated opera is formed .

  18. 在杜诗学史上,明人的主要注意力集中在批点与选注之上,与宋、清二朝相较,全集注本的编纂无论在数量上还是在质量上,都稍为逊色。

    Learn history in du poetry , the Ming dynasty people main focus on annotate and select note , compared with the song dynasty and the qing dynasty , the complete annotated compilation are somewhat inferior in quantity and in quality .

  19. 中国文学史上,明杂剧的成就在时间纵向上赶不上元杂剧,时间横向上比不过明传奇,但是,它仍旧拥有着自己的特色。

    In Chinese literary history , the achievements of the Ming Dynasty at the time of the vertical catch the Yuan Dynasty , but out in the horizontal than the legend . But , the Ming Dynasty still has their own characteristics .

  20. 纳观尺度上的tem明场像和暗场像表明接头界面存在扩散分层现象。

    In nano-scale , the interfacial layered structures were observed on TEM bright field images ( bfi ) and dark field images ( dfi ) .

  21. 事实上,我明早上就能见到你!

    In fact , I 'll see you in the morning !

  22. 意大利选民们在上星期一明明白白地讲了两件事。

    The Italian electorate said two things loudly and clearly last monday .

  23. 回单上应当记明汇票提示承兑日期并签章。

    The receipt shall specify the date of presentment for acceptance and shall be signed .

  24. “马上去把它穿上,”明钦小姐说道,“你爸爸死了。

    Go and put it on at once , 'said Miss Minchin . 'Your father is dead .

  25. 德布拉每天都帮我喷那种云南气雾剂,这种气雾剂由27种成分制成,不过药瓶上没有列明任何一种成分。

    Deb hits me with the Yunnan spray ─ 27 special ingredients , none listed on the can .

  26. 我国地方债务问题上的“明规则”和“潜规则”矛盾由来已久,对地方债务实际情况、成因和发展态势进行分析后。

    The conflicts between clear-sighted and potential rules on local government debt have been a longstanding problem in China .

  27. 这与一般思想史上对晚明思想活跃、启蒙的定性似乎不同。

    Such a conclusion seems to be contrary to the view that the culture in late Ming is open-minded and illuminative .

  28. 您所支付的票价,是以我们的运价规则和客票上所列明的运输为依据的。

    The fare you have paid is based upon our Tariff and is for the transportation as shown on the Ticket .

  29. 老师在课堂上表扬张明有骨气,这倒把张明给搞糊涂了。

    Zhang Ming was completely taken aback when the teacher praised him in the class by saying that he had the guts .

  30. 每件货物上应刷明到货口岸、件号、毛沉及净重、尺码及唛头,安阳烟囱安装航标灯。

    Port of destination , package number , gross and net weights , measurement and shipping mark shall be stenciled conspicuously on each package .