
shànɡ hǎi xī ěr dùn jiǔ diàn
  • Shanghai Hilton Hotel
  1. 现任总经理VolkmarRuebel先生向笔者讲述了他多年来执掌上海希尔顿酒店的经验和感受。

    Volkmar Ruebel , Hilton Shanghai 's present general manager , shared his impressions and experiences accumulated over the past several years .

  2. 上海希尔顿酒店必将继续成为旅行者们的上佳选择。

    Hilton Shanghai will continue to be a good choice travellers .

  3. 上海希尔顿酒店是举办各类会议活动的理想场所。

    Hilton Shanghai is an ideal location for meetings and events .

  4. 上海希尔顿酒店也是该档节目的独家赞助酒店。

    Hilton Shanghai is the exclusive hotel sponsor for the TV Show .

  5. 近日,澜珠宝在上海希尔顿酒店落成了其在上海的首家旗舰店。

    " Lan " Jewellery launched the first flagship store in Shanghai at Hilton Shanghai recently .

  6. 在来到青岛之前,舒迪凡先生就任上海希尔顿酒店运营总监一职。

    Prior to his new appointment in Qingdao , he was the Director of Operations of Hilton Shanghai .

  7. 上海希尔顿酒店荣幸地宣布潘瑞科先生新近被聘任为餐饮部总监。

    Hilton Shanghai is pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Urs Buder as Director of Food & Beverage .

  8. 上海希尔顿酒店的人员流动并不像其他酒店那样频繁,酒店的员工常常能够认出熟客。

    The faces of the repeat guests are familiar to many staffs , given Hilton Shanghai 's relatively low staff turnover .

  9. 上海希尔顿酒店致力于参与地球生态环境的可持续发展环保事业。

    Hilton Shanghai affirms its commitment to the cause of environment sustainability with the presentation of its signature Moon Cakes in reusable eco-friendly packaging .

  10. 每售出一盒月饼,上海希尔顿酒店将捐赠10元收入给予世界自然基金会“秦岭野生大熊猫栖息地保护项目”。

    For every box purchased , Hilton Shanghai will donate RMB10 to the World Wide Fund for Nature in aid of preservation efforts for the giant panda habitat in Qingling Mountain .

  11. 在加入金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店之前,捷斯伯曾任上海静安希尔顿酒店餐饮部经理,并在丹麦哥本哈根希尔顿机场酒店担任餐饮营运经理。

    Before joining Hilton Sanya resort spa , Jesper worked at Hilton Shanghai as food beverage manager , and as f b operations manager in Hilton Copenhagen airport .

  12. 选择这里作为酒店的根基,想必上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店亦思从这棵古树开端诠释酒店共同的品牌肉体和兽性关心。

    Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao has chosen this spot for the foundation because the tree would be a perfect representation of the hotel 's unique brand spirit and humanistic care .