
  • 网络Shanghai Declaration
  1. 《上海宣言》呼吁共建全面、持久和安全的亚洲。

    The Shanghai Declaration calls for a comprehensive , lasting and just security in Asia .

  2. 亚信成员国将发表《上海宣言》,承诺加强战略合作。

    CICA member states are expected to issue a Shanghai Declaration on commitments to strengthening strategic coordination .

  3. 这些挑战是可以战胜的,《上海宣言》告诉我们,科技进步能帮助我们找到补救的方法。

    These challenges can find solutions : the Shanghai Declaration reminds us that technological advances contribute by delivering remedies .

  4. 与会者就重大问题交换了在城市发展和“上海宣言”共同的看法是会后发出。

    The participants exchanged views on major issues common in urban development and the " Shanghai Declaration " was issued after the forum .

  5. 我想谈的第三点也是最后一点是,只有重视《上海宣言》并持续跟进,才能确保实现其价值。

    Finally , my third and last message is that this declaration will only be worth the attention and follow-up that we all give to it .

  6. 但要取得进步,需要我们每一个人都拿出政治意愿。我想谈的第三点也是最后一点是,只有重视《上海宣言》并持续跟进,才能确保实现其价值。

    But nothing can progress without the political will of us all . Finally , my third and last message is that this declaration will only be worth the attention and follow-up that we all give to it .

  7. 签署《上海合作组织成立宣言》和《打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约》。

    The Declaration of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Shanghai Treaty on Cracking Down on Terrorism , Separatism and Extremism were signed .