
  • 网络Guest of Honor;Guest Country
  1. 瑞士将作为主宾国。

    Switzerland will be the guest of honor .

  2. 在周日闭幕的第61届法兰克福(德国)书展上,中国将主宾国的身份移交给了下一届书展的主宾国阿根廷。

    The61st Frankfurt Book Fair closed Sunday , with China handing over the guest of honor to Argentina for the next event .

  3. 法兰克福书展中国主宾国活动报道效果分析

    Communication Effects of Reporting about China at 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair

  4. 要知道,土耳其是今年的主宾国。

    Turkey , you see , was the guest of honour this year .

  5. 这是去年中国作为主宾国参加欧罗巴利亚-中国艺术节和法兰克福国际书展的照片。

    The following pictures record China as the main guest of honor to the Europalia-China Art Festival and the Frankfurt Book Fair .

  6. 明年的主宾国是中国,我期待在法兰克福看到堪比奥运会开幕式盛况的活动。

    Next year 's guest of honour is China , and I 'm hoping for something akin to the grandeur of the Olympics opening ceremony in Frankfurt .

  7. 傅自应表示,共有82个国家、3个国际组织设立71个展台,各参展国将展示发展成就和特色优势产品,其中有12个是主宾国。

    Fu Ziying says that 82 countries and 3 international organizations are setting up 71 exhibition stands , displaying the various achievements and products from their countries , including a dozen guests of honor .

  8. 德国也是这次进博会12个“主宾国”之一。有近200家德国企业参展,覆盖人工智能、汽车制造、工程、医学、化工等各个领域。

    Germany is one of the 12 countries taking part in the import expo in Shanghai that has been granted the status of a " Guest of Honor . " Nearly 200 German enterprises have registered to attend the event , from sectors that include artificial intelligence , automotive manufacturing , engineering , medicine , and chemicals .