
  • 网络Chinese Chamber of Commerce;MCBA
  1. 从华商会、APEC会议看宴会的卫生控制

    The Sanitation Control of the Banquets of APEC and China-businessman Meeting

  2. 重庆华商会成立&在渝华商有了自己的家

    The Establishment of Chongqing Chinese Trade Association Chinese Merchants in Chongqing Have Their Own Homes

  3. 会员行为对华商会造成名誉或实际损害的,其会籍自动停止。

    Members whose behavior causes damages to the chamber or the reputation of the chamber will loose the membership instantly .

  4. 报名者必须由所熟悉的牧者或工商团契负责人推荐,并收到基督徒华商会邀请函方可参加报名。

    Registrants should be recommended by pastors or fellowship leaders who know them well and receive the invitation letter by CCBA .

  5. 津巴布韦华商会常务副会长李曼娟表示,尽管许多在津华商企业经营状况并不理想,但面对灾情仍然全力相助。

    Zimbabwe-China Business Association Vice President Li Manjuan says the Chinese community in Zimbabwe make their own contributions to the disaster relief efforts the economic hardship .

  6. 基督徒华商会现任会长曹松弟兄是美国谐和能源公司总裁,从事石油勘探生产与再生能源开发利用。

    Song is the current president of CCBA and the president Global Synergy Corporation , a company engaged in petroleum exploration and production , renewable energy development and utilization .

  7. 并邀请杨鸿参加有世界华商会在上海主办的“首届亚太自然健康产品博览会”专家委员会委员。

    And will invite Yang Hong to participate has the world Chinese businessman to sponsor " the first Asian and Pacific nature health product exposition " in Shanghai Expert board committee member .

  8. 华商纱厂联合会成立与民初关税会议

    The Establishment of the Union of Chinese Cotton Mill and Customs Meeting at the Beginning of the Republic of China

  9. 世界华商佛教基金会将专案捐款;表达世界华商华人对祖国教育、科技事业的热诚。

    The world Chinese businessman Buddhism Foundation will donate to special case ; chinese businessman and Chinese people will express sincerity to the education and technology of the motherland .

  10. 初创于1917年3月的华商纱厂联合会是一个以上海为基地的全国性民族资本棉纺织业行业组织,亦是民国时期最具影响力的行业公会之一。

    Founded in March , 1917 , the Union of Chinese Cotton Mill was a nationwide ethical capital cotton textile industrial organization based on Shanghai , it was one of the most influent guilds .