
huá shānɡ
  • Chinese merchant
  1. 晚清澳门华商与华人社会研究

    A Study on the Chinese Merchant and the Chinese Society in Macao in the Late Qing

  2. 华商网络对FDI的影响

    The Effect of Ethnic Chinese Business Network on Inward FDI into China

  3. TangYuLap是瑞士中国华商总会的会长。

    Tang Yu Lap is the head of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland .

  4. 从华商会、APEC会议看宴会的卫生控制

    The Sanitation Control of the Banquets of APEC and China-businessman Meeting

  5. 华商投资与民营经济的对接可以在资源转化为资本的理论指导下,通过BOT、TOT、并购重组、独资、合资等多种方式进行。

    Under the guidance of the theory of converting resources into capital , the methods of combining the investment of overseas Chinese businessmen and private economy include BOT , TOT , annexation and reorganization , sole investment and joint venture , etc.

  6. “华商”与“儒商”这两个概念属于相容关系。

    The two concepts of'Chinese and intellectual businessmen'correspond to each other .

  7. 华商文化在现代管理中的独特价值

    The Unique Value of Traditional Chinese Business Culture in Modern Management

  8. 论海外华商网络的形成和发展

    On the Origin and Development of the Ethnic Chinese Business Network

  9. 世界华商网络的发展与潜力

    The Development and Potentials of the World Business Network of Overseas Chinese

  10. 美国华商的历史变迁

    The History Vicissitudes of American Foreign Businessmen of Chinese Origin

  11. 国际贸易与投资中的华商网络:文献评述

    Ethnic Chinese Network In International Trade and FDI : A Literature Review

  12. 推进西部大开发亟待华商

    The advance of the west development urgently needed Chinese businessman

  13. 泰国华商:开创南北行及其对香港转口贸易的贡献

    The contributions of Chinese merchants in Thailand to entrepot trade at HongKong

  14. 试论海外华商经济发展的成就、经验与启示

    On the Business Achievement of the Overseas - Chinese and Their Experience

  15. 中国华商国际皮革工业城项目通过专家论证

    Project of China Hua Shang International Leather Industry City Appraised by Specialists

  16. 【正文】界华商组织联盟应邀从澳门前来我市参观考察。

    Text : The delegation was invited to visit Zhuhai from Macau .

  17. 华商们用英语和他们交谈。

    Chinese businessmen , * talk with them using English .

  18. 《华商报》的读者对这篇文章的反应颇为强烈。

    Readers of the China Business Review article were far from reticent .

  19. 近代中国的银险一体化与华商保险业

    The Integration of Bank and Insurance in Modern China and Chinese Business Insurance

  20. 东南亚华商海外企业的重组及其前景

    Overseas Restructuring of the Ethnic Chinese Businesses in Southeast Asia and Its Prospects

  21. 改革开放以来海外华商投资与厦门经济发展

    Overseas Chinese Investment and Economic Development of Xiamen since Reform and Opening up

  22. 促进全球华商组织及华商企业之交流与合作。

    To promote exchange and cooperation among Chinese entrepreneurs organizations in the world .

  23. 华商、儒商,以及它们的逻辑关系

    The Logic Relationship between Chinese and Scholar Businessmen

  24. 东南亚华商的投资,极大地促进了侨乡社会经济的发展。

    The investment from Southeast Asian Chinese has promoted the social-economic development of Qiaoxiang .

  25. 试论海外华商网络对中国企业实施走出去战略的作用

    The Use of Oversea-Chinese Business Networks on the Going Out Strategy of Chinese Enterprises

  26. 改革开放以来马来西亚华商对华直接投资

    Direct Investments in China from Chinese Malaysian Businessmen Since the Reform and Opening Up

  27. 建立市场经济与走向国际市场&关于华商潮现象的宏观思考

    Establishing Market Economy And Trending International Market

  28. 东南亚华商管理模式的文化与制度分析

    Management Pattern of the Chinese Business in Southeast Asia : An Institutional and Cultural Analysis

  29. 华商晨报:终于迈进了学校的门槛,是不是很兴奋?

    China Business Morning : Aren 't you excited as you finally get into school ?

  30. 因此,领导华商只接受酒吧银付款的货物。

    Consequently , leading Chinese merchants only accepted bar silver as payment for their goods .