
  • 网络China Daily;Chinese Business Gazette
  1. 《华商报》的读者对这篇文章的反应颇为强烈。

    Readers of the China Business Review article were far from reticent .

  2. 第一章论述了抗战救亡语境下《华商报》的缘起。

    The first chapter discusses the origin of " Hwa Shiang Pao " in Anti-Japanese salvation background .

  3. 据华商报,本周三,中国陕西省的一名4岁女孩在失踪77小时后被找到,而功臣正是一台无人机。

    A 4-year-old girl in Northwest China 's Shaanxi province missing for 77 hours finally was found , thanks to a drone , on Wednesday , according to Chinese Business View .

  4. 据《华商报》报道,28日午夜左右,陕西咸阳一名老太因抱怨附近建筑工地的噪音,遭拉土车碾压。

    An elderly woman protesting the noise at a construction site was run over by a truck around midnight , Aug.28 in Xianyang , Shaanxi Province , China Business View reported .

  5. 虽然一些中国新闻媒体暗示有关联,但该医院的一名护士对西安的《华商报》说,该部门由医院直接管理。

    Although some Chinese news outlets suggested a link , a nurse at the hospital told Huashang Bao , a newspaper based in Xi'an , that the hospital itself controlled the department .

  6. 《华商报》还称,亚运城中80%的食材都来自中国,食品安全检查员对国内食材进行了仔细监察,并对可能进入食物链的违禁物品进行了排查。

    About 80 percent of the food at the Asian Games Town is procuredin China , where food safety inspectors were carefully monitoring and testing for banned substances that may have entered the food chain , the paper added .

  7. 不过,不管是绿皮书还是《华商报》最初发表的报道都没有为相关说法提供任何数据支持。不过对中国的微博用户来说,这基本算不上什么问题,他们长期以来都在担心,他们呼吸的空气会造成更严重的影响。

    While neither the green paper nor the initial China Business Review story offered any data to support their claims , that hardly seemed to matter to the country 's microbloggers , who have long expected the worse from the air they breathe .